six. birthday betrayal

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six. birthday betrayal

HollyNews: ICYMI: Charlotte Vaughan's character in Endgame shows how the Snap impacted everyday people; she delivers an astounding performance and the appearance sets a foundation for her solo movie like Civil War did for Spider-Man


HollyNews: Everything we know about the new young superhero, read in the article in our bio!

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user1: okay just got out of endgame and LET'S HEAR IT FOR CAPTAIN AMERICA


user2: tbh i loved charlotte's character but giving sam the shield was the right choice


user3: lmao was there any other? did people seriously think a newcomer would get the shield?


user4: cora has been advertised as being to cap as what spidey is to iron man so it wouldn't have surprised me if the russos did make the Bad Choice, not impressed w some things they did in the movie


user5: in all honesty, charlotte was brilliant as cora and the character wasn't forgettable nor did it stand out, but it was her first movie, no way is she getting that shield


user6: i'd like her so much better as nat's sort of descendant cuz nat was the one who trained her and we know nat doesn't have a high opinion of herself bc of her past so having cora look up to her must have meant a lot


user7: yes!!! and becca and charlotte have such good on screen chemistry, i was so hoping we could see more of that in the corona movie but the RUSSOS-----


user8: at least they left steve alive for her, like yeah he gave the shield to sam but that doesn't mean he's not gonna train her lesbihonest a kid that had ties to nat and tony, hell yeah steve's adopting her, it could even be sort of retribution for civil war


user9: ohmygooood are we still talking about civil war it's 2018 get over iron man 12 and move on


user10: okay now i'm hoping we'll get depression beard on steve again, that's all i'm asking for, marvel


cocoautumn: hmm that could be arranged

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