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Last night went from fun to plain weird! Dante is handsome and all but he doesn't look like someone you would want to piss off. I don't even know how I got the guts to talk to him. It's probably the champagne.

But I felt like I went from getting drunk to sober the moment I saw his brown eyes. Those intense brown eyes. I really don't want to get out of this bed and probably face him, I just hope Donna can just magically wake up wherever she is and come to me so when can get out of here.

It's obvious her brothers are intimidating even though the other one seemed to not even care I was there nor Stefano. Only Dante kept on looking at me the whole time we were at the club. His looks were intimidating as hell, I couldn't even stop fidgeting the whole time.

And then when he told me I was going with him, I started shaking. Even having a conversation with him was tense, I don't even know what this name he keeps calling me with. What the hell is gattino? I have to ask Donna about that.

I've never been so scared of anyone since my parents and I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover but all three of them looked dangerous, and that freaks me out to be honest.

I don't even know how I got the guts to ask for something to sleep in. I thought he would give me Donnas' clothes but instead he gave me his shirt that smells like his intoxicating scent. Now im blushing, damn it.

I finally get out of bed because I know Donna doesn't like mornings. So she is never going to wake up anytime soon. After finding a new toothbrush in the bathroom I brush my teeth and take a shower. Wearing my dress and his t-shirt wrapping it into a crop top so it doesn't hide my dress. I just need to get to Donnas room and find something comfortable or change back at the apartment. I take my purse and heels and leave the room.

The moment I get out I was seriously not ready for what I was seeing, there is Dante and a blonde skinny girl kissing, I guess  thats his girlfriend, shrugging the little pang I felt. I try to quietly walk down the stairs but of-cause my ninja skills never work as the blonde starts talking.

"Who are you?" I freeze and turn back when I see her looking at me with digust. "Um... Nicole Im Donnas' friend" I said shyly looking at my interesting feet. "What are you doing up here then?" "The Fuck cares Britney just fucking leave already" Dante says typing away on his phone. Britney looks shocked but walks to the exit bumping my shoulder in the process might I add. And that hurts, pouting I continue walking down and Dante walks behind me.

"So no Good morning?" He asks making me stop for a couple of seconds "um.... G-good morning sir" "I do remember telling you my name gattino, only people who work for me get to call me sir" I start fidgeting again "Oh... s-sorry Dante" he just shakes his head. We get to what I see as a kitchen but damn its big.

"Maria, could you take Nicole to Donnas' room please" he says to the woman in the kitchen who looks a little older than other maids there. "Of cause Dante, but where is my Good morning young man?" She says while putting her hands on her hips, Dante rolls his eyes and mumble a good morning and kiss her cheek before looking at me for a couple of seconds and walks out in his navy tailored suit . Which fits him quite right and yet showing off those muscles. Im beginning to think he likes Navy.

Maria looks at me with a wide smile "well Its nice to finally meet you Nicole, Donna talks about you all the time when she visits" I simply blush "nice to meet you too" "Awe you are cute aren't you little one, come lets go wake up that lazy bum" giggling at her we walk to Donnas' room to find her spread all over her bed.

Snickering I bounce to the left side where there was a little space and jumped on her bed giggling like I usually do every morning. She grumbles a 'stop Nicki' but I keep on jumping until she finally sits up and glares at me "Thanks Snowball" she says glaring. "My pleasure bunny" smiling while she roles her eyes "Im no fucking bunny Nicki, Im a Tigress" laughing at her "Whatever bunny"

"Well Good morning Maria" Donna says at a smiling Maria "Good morning lazy bones, freshen up and come down for breakfast, your brothers are waiting" she then leaves us. "I need something comfortable to wear D" she goes to what looks like her closet and takes out a cut crop top and black leggings. "That's fine, right?" Smiling I nod and mumble a thank you.

After she was done freshening up we head dpwn to the kitchen again, but then passing to a room which had a huge dinning table. I could here a little voice yelling for Donna.

"Hi munchkin, did you miss me?" Looking up I see a little girl hugging Donnas' legs, she looked really cute "yes, Why you don't visit no more?" She said looking sad. "I was here three days ago munchkin" "thats a long time" Donna and I giggle at her while sitting down. I see Stefano sitting on the other side of the table, a brunette girl who looks like the little girl and Donnas' other brother talking to Dante who is at the main seat.

I look down trying to stay invisible until the brunette talks "Good morning girls" I look up and see she was looking at me and Donna I mumble good morning and quickly look at my fidgeting fingers. "You must be Donnas' best friend Nicole" she says smiling "um... yeah I guess" "You guess? Bitch please you know im your life" Donna says nonchalantly and rolling her eyes.

I roll my eyes at her too and then look at the brunette girl "yeah I'm her best friend" I look at Donna raising an eyebrow "happy?" She smiles "yup" she says smiling. "Well my name is katrina but you can call me Trina. Im Damains' fiance and the mother of this little adorable girl Sarah" she says in awe while looking at her daughter "its nice to meet you Trina" I smile at her.

The little girl speaks up and smiles at me "Can I call you Nicki?" I look at her hopeful eyes and smile "yes you can little one" she blushes and giggles "I call her Nicki too!" Donna says making me roll my eyes at her statement while mumbling 'Whatever'. I keep on having a conversation with the girls as the guys keep talking about whatever they are talking about while we eat breakfast.

"So Nicole where are you from?" This time Damain asks me which is weird because he hasn't talked to me at all ever since yesterday. "Um... Im from Los Angeles" he nods "and you moved here for....?"

"I just wanted to explore a different City I guess, and I always wanted to come to New York" he nods again while Dante just looks at me with a blank face. I look down again feeling like I've talked too much for the day already.

After breakfast the guys get up to leave and before Damian goes he says "well we hope to see you here around more Nicole" with a genuine smile I nod and mumbled a goodbye.

"We should all have a spa day soon, I get bored being here with the guys, visit more please" Trina whines, we giggle and nod and kiss Sarahs' temple and go back to the apartment.

Well that wasn't that bad I guess. Stefano is.... well he doesn't talk a lot and Dante just stares. But then it was really nice meeting and talking with Trina, Damian and Sarah. They are a cute family indeed.

We finally get back to the apartment and I go straight to bed, somehow exhausted by this morning and Donna comes to my room too, throwing herself in my bed and sleeps. Well I guess she's sleeping here, I thought while falling asleep.

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Toodles 😘
Love Mimi ♥️

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