The End

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4 years later


Its been 4 years with my beautiful wife and our baby boy Nico. I still could not believe this was my life, 5 years ago I would have thrown up knowing I have a family already. I didn't even consider having a wife or actually be married.

Nicole has been the best support, she has her own orphanage where she finds the best parents for abused children. I never thought this would be what she wanted to do but after her history she felt the least our family could help those who needed it. And I couldn't agree with her more.

Walking down the stairs, I find the whole family in the dining room chatting. I wish everyone a good morning and find my son running to my legs. My beautiful wife comes to view huffing. She had our second born, Dino in her arms.

I smiled and picked up my Nico, walking towards her and giving her a quick kiss. "Your son has too much energy" I chuckle. "Good morning sweetheart" she smiles brightly "Good morning love" I kiss my other son's forehead and a toothless smile shows.

"How are you feeling today?" She smiles "bit better, I'm just hoping I'm not pregnant right now" she huffs "do you want me to book you a check-up" I say a little concerned. She nods quickly and hugs me. "Hey lovebirds, I am HUNGRY!!" Donna yells looking straight at us.

I put Nico in his seat as well as Dino. "Good morning family" I say after pulling the chair for Gattino to sit. They all grunt and start eating. I chuckle and look at my beautiful pregnant sister. "How are you today" she huffs, "She needs to come out already, I am exhausted"

She chuckle "My baby niece is just taking her sweet time, she will be out soon" she nods. "We were thinking of naming her Milan, what do you think?" I nod " Named after where you got married, Cliche but sweet I guess" she laughs " don't worry, I'll name my next child Danger"

"I could dig that" Matteo says out of the blue. "You better not" I say laughing and shaking my head. "Nikki, are you coming with me to the check-up today?' She nods. "Yeah, I need to get out of this house" she says sighing. I take her hand and kiss it while looking at her. "I'll be with the boys the whole day, you girls have the day to yourself" she smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you baby" I smile at her and chat with the rest of the family while keeping an eye on Nico while he eats. "Here daddy" I turn to my son handing me a chick "Thank you little one" he smirks and goes back to eating. Nico is a quiet toddler, he hardly talks but loves to play with his cousin Sarah and spend time with Dino.

To say he was protective of the other two was an understatement. But he loves his mother and I guess me more than anything. He would rather be with us than anyone else. Not that he doesn't love his family he just prefers his little family instead.

"Micheal when are we going suit and dress shopping for the wedding ?" Gattino asked, Micheal smiles brightly. "I have an appointment this Friday, I can't wait" he says kissing Stephens' cheek who just smirks and goes back to eating. Micheal and Stephen have been engaged for 2 months now. Micheal cried that whole night, it was hilariously cute.

Donna and Stefano got married a year after Nicole and I. Of course it was a big wedding which Donna wanted to show-off to her enemies as she said. "Guys, I need to have a Quick meeting with you before you leave" they nod and get up.

I kiss the boys forehead and kiss Nicole on the lips. "Drop them at the office when its time for you girls to go" she smiles and pecks my lips "will do love" I sigh and kiss Sarah on her forehead and walk up to my office.

"Mommy candy please" Nico says while dragging my dress so I can look down at him. I squeeze his chubby cheeks, " you can but later, your dad needs his work partner today" he huffs "okay Mommy only because Daddy loves me" I laugh kissing him all over his face as he giggles.

"Okay mommy stop!" He smiles and goes to choose his toys for the day. "Alright lets get  you two to your father" Nico takes his backpack and walks in front of me. Finally reaching his office door, Nico knocks "come in Figlio" Dante says already knowing who knocked.

I open the door and Nico runs to his play corner. I lay Dino in his office bassinet and go to Dante to give him a kiss. "Enjoy your day Gattino, don't miss me too much" he says chuckling, "I won't" I say smirking. He glares at me and I laugh giving him one last kiss. "I love you" I say smiling at him. He huffs "I love you more than anything baby" I smile kissing the boys one last time and leaving.

We finally went for a check-up, Donna had her last update and all was well. She is due in a weeks time, "So excited to see my baby" she says rubbing her belly. I tear up "I'm excited for you" we hug each other. Nadine comes back with my test results, "well you aren't pregnant this time around" I sigh in relief "but ma'am you need to have a girl soon, too many boys" I playfully hit her on her shoulder.

"Shut up" I say laughing. She looks at me, a blank face prominent." You need to sleep more Nicole, you have maids and nannies available and yet you want to do everything." She sighs and holds my hand.

"You are a great mom but you need to trust that the family has your best interest at heart" I look at her with glossy eyes "I just want them to know that their mom will always be there for them, and will never choose anything else besides them, you know?" I sigh "I just want my children to know their mothers love for them"

Donna smiles while rubbing my shoulder "Those two little devils have the best mom any child could wish for" she says side hugging me. "Don't ever doubt that again and my brother is one lucky idiot to have you as the mother of his kids. He should get you a Tortoise" I giggle shaking my head.

Donna has two tortoises, one names Chad and the other Riley. Such random names but it is what it is."thank you guys, I will consider a nanny" both Donna and Nadine Smile. "Well, lets go meet Micheal and Katrina at the Spa before they get mad" Donna does a little dance and gets he bag leaving the room.

After our relaxing spa day, I went straight to my room to find my little family passed out. I smile and take baby Dino and Nico to the cribs on the corner of the room and I took a quick shower and got in bed.

Dante was still fast asleep, so I thought. "I missed you" he mumbles in his sleep. I kiss his chest, and smile fondly . "I missed you more, sleep love" I say with my fingers in his thicke hair. He holds me close. "Everything good with you?" I hum "Im fine, just need sleep" he lazily chuckles.

"Goodnight beautiful" he says holding me close. "Goodnight" I say finally dozing off. I will forever be grateful that I met Dante, still feels like a dream being with him and yet we are now married and have two beautiful boys. I really could not ask for more.

The end

I have been thinking for months as to how to end this story. My first baby 🥺 but I can't seem to drag this one anymore. So this will be end of my favorite couple.

I hope this book made you happy, sad, mad, annoyed, cringe and so forth 😂

Till next time lovers 🤎

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