The Party

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Ahh the perfect present for Inojin. Hinata held up a painting brush that could be customized by design. Hinata ask for a blue and black handle, while for the brush a dark red.

The trio went home after shopping half of the day. They rest up then get ready for Inojin birthday. Hinata will have to be there earlier since she agree to help with the cooking.

 Hinata will have to be there earlier since she agree to help with the cooking

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Sasuke was in awe upon seeing her. You caught my attention, even with no effort Hinata. I wish i could tell you, how beautiful you look right now. Sasuke thought to himself.

Do I look okay? I'm just gonna wear this tonight, letting her long silky blueish black hair fall down to her waist, she ask them if she look fine with just her plain purple tee and a black knee length skirt.

You look good in anything mom. Right dad? Arata said it while looking at Sasuke. Instead of answering, Sasuke stand up and left.

5.30pm at Sasuke's

Arata, I have to leave now. Don't worry, Sasuke won't forget about you. Hinata said as she took a few steps out of the house. "Okay mom, take care." He watched as her mother figure slowly disappear from his view. Half an hour pass by, Sasuke still hasn't come back. Arata decided its better he get ready, still determined to go to the party even without Sasuke.

At the party

Oh Hinata, I'm glad u can make it. So, what shall we cook first. Sushi or the tempura vegetables?
Ask Ino while inviting her to the kitchen. The house has complete decoration from balloons to ribbon, even a small banner with birthday wishes on it. Some party games will be held outside the house. 2 table was nicely set up, one for the food while the other for presents. "Here, take this. We don't want to get ourselves dirty, don't we." Says Ino while handing Hinata a piece of blue apron decorated with little black dots on it.

"Thank you Ino. Let's make the sushi first, it taste better when it's eaten cold" said Hinata while rolling her hair up into a messed bun.

Time flies as the 2 kunoichi cook and bake, catching up with each other life. It was a quarter before 7 when they finally finish with the desserts. "Wow, it's almost time for the party. Make yourself at home Hinata, guest will arrive soon." Ino gestured her to take a sit in the living room and hurriedly walk towards the stairs. Even at a distance, Hinata could clearly hear Ino mumbling on Sai and her son late arrival.

"Oh hi oneesan!" Exclaimed Inojin gleefully, bowing towards Hinata.

Inojin! Hello. Where did you come from? I didn't notice the door opened. Said Hinata giving the birthday boy his present. "Here, happy birthday cutie."

Inooojinnnnn. Bath now! Ino voice was firm and furious.

Hehe, I better go up. My father and I went through the balcony if you're still wandering oneesan. With that, Inojin ran upstairs. Soon, guest are coming, with their presents and wishing the birthday boy. Some even brought their own food. Hinata was sitting on a couch observing how lively the environment are. People mingle, kids playing at the backyard while some enjoying the foods.

Hinata nervously waited for the arrival of the 2 Uchiha.. Where are you Sasuke? It's 7.30pm already, she wonders. Her eyes wanders off, stopping when she saw Naruto...and beside him, securely wrapping his arm around Sakura waist. The joy she felt just now was drained out of her, Hinata stood up, her footsteps wanted to go somewhere away from the two.

Knock. Knock. The door goes. Shino who is near the entrance opened the door. Hey Sasuke, he greeted, tilting his head a little to the right, he greeted Arata with a smile. Come in guys, there's still lots of food and some activity for the kids. Huh, I never see this kid before, this must be the kid the villagers talked about. Shino thought.

Thanks Shino, you're looking good tonight. Said Sasuke complimenting him while giving him a pat on the shoulder. Passing by him, Sasuke spotted a familiar face across the room. Hinata... he whispers.

Sasuke kneels down to meet Arata gaze, and told him to go make some friends. Nodding his head, Arata smiled and ran off where the other kids have been playing. Lost in her own thoughts, Hinata didn't realize Sasuke and Arata presence. As Sasuke moves closer, he could see the little bridge form by Hinata pink small lips. Her eyes was facing down yet not focusing on anything.

Didn't want to bother her and not knowing what to say, Sasuke turn around and went to the food section. Hinata was back to reality when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She gave a faint smile upon seeing her cousin Neiji. "How are you holding up? Your father kept pushing me for an update of you guys. It's annoying." Expressed Neiji with a frown on his face.

Neiji.. it has only been less than a week, I don't know what to tell you. Anyway how is father and Hanabi? She showed some excitement, eager to know how's her family doing.

Oh, they're fine. Don't worry bout them. Although Hanabi does miss u more, she kept trespassing into your room, wishing you were at home. She -
Neiji was distracted when he heard a commotion in the backyard.

What happened at the backyard?
Find out on the next chapter

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