My Feelings

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Stunned by Sasuke words, Naruto tight fist loosens up, his furious face relaxed but no words he could find to answer that question.

What's wrong now, cat got your tongue? Sasuke said sarcastically.

Kiba: Err well... let's talk about this mission OK? Kakashi sensei, we are ready to listen.

Shino: I just hope they don't kill each other later.

Kakashi explains to them his tactics and has decided those who will be coming with him. After the discussion, he ordered everyone to go back and replenish their energy for the rescue mission tomorrow.

Naruto POV

He walked alone and slowly, reminiscing the incident earlier.
Why did I care too much? HMM.. Obviously, because she's a good friend to us. Stupid Sasuke! But why does it feel different? Hinata..

Is that Naruto? From afar, his cheerful wife recognizes him, she waved and called out to him a few times. Naruto who was deep in his thoughts keeps on walking till he disappears from his wife sight. He doesn't seem like his usual self today. He's back earlier, I wonder what came up. Sakura paid for her groceries and rush home, she wanted to greet her husband.

I didn't feel like going home yet but it's getting late. This is so messed up, why is she haunting my mind?! Arghh Hinata, please leave me. Naruto said as he clasps both of his hands onto his forehead.

Keep your cool Naruto, come on, this is nothing. Go back to your family and everything will be fine. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and the faces of his children lingers among the darkness. He opened his eyes, smiled a little and walk home.

When he arrived home, Sakura opened the door for him and they had dinner. He spent some time with his children before following his wife to bed.

Sakura: Hey sweetheart. So how was the mission?

Naruto: Not great and.. I have something to tell you.

Sakura: Ok, tell me.

Naruto: Tomorrow we be leaving our kids to granny Tsunade. Kakashi sensei need us for Hinata rescue mission. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier.

Sakura: Oh no. Is she OK? Let me pack our mission gear.

Naruto: I don't know how she's doing. Sasuke and Shino was the one with her when she was taken. One thing for sure, Sasuke better watch out if anything's happens to her.

Hearing his husband says those words, Sakura felt a slight burning sensation inside her heart but kept on smiling. Ignoring the facts that something was off, she hugs her husband and kisses him goodnight.

The next day...

Kids hurry up, we are leaving in ten minutes. Naruto grabs the kids bags while Sakura urging the children to fasten their footsteps and went to Tsunade...

Sasuke POV

Where is that dimwit? They are 20 minutes late.

We're here! Sakura voice could be heard from outside the hallways. "Sorry, we are a bit late Kakashi sensei." She apologizes the moment she reaches the opened door.

Naruto appears behind her a moment later and gave Kakashi an apologetic smile with one hand behind his head.

Okay, listen up everyone. This is an important mission. Our main goal is to rescue Hinata. Please avoid an unnecessary fight. Flee if you can, I don't want to risk any more problems as we are not familiar with our enemies abilities. Understood?

Ino, Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru nodded. After revising the plan one more time, they moved out and soon was out of Konoha.

The team was led by Sasuke since he witnessed Hinata kidnapping. When they arrived there, 2 stranger in the cloak was already waiting for them, one of them was the woman whom Kiba and Naruto have seen earlier.

Huh? Miss Kurohana? You were one of them too? Naruto speaks up.


A stranger was sitting under a tree whom they assume was the enemy. So Kiba and Naruto walk cautiously not wanting to alert the stranger but when they got closer, it turns out it was a young woman, with dangerously charming attitude and body.

Miss K: hmm... You boys are disturbing my sleep, how do you want to make up for that?

Kiba: What are you doing alone in a deserted place?

Naruto: That not a way to treat a lady man. I'm sorry miss, but can you tell us your name? Hehe, what my friend trying to say was, it's not safe being alone here.

Miss K: Call me Kurohana. Arent you a caring one? I like a man like you, why don't you let me tag along?

Miss Kurohana stood up and walks up to Naruto and Kiba with a flirting smile. She first looks at Kiba and whispers to him,  I like wild ones too, especially when they know how to drives me crazy.

Kiba cheeks were turning red imagining the things she said and then he shook his head, trying to control his manly lust. After teasing him, she moves next to Naruto, her hands touching the ends of his hair and then whispers, tell me, how long do you last in bed? Cause I'm sure i be satisfied with you. She bid the nip of Naruto ear, making his body heat up.

Things were getting awkward between them, luckily Pakkun arrived just in time. Kiba and Naruto turn their focus to Kakashi ninja dog but when they look back, she was gone.


End of this chapter. My apologies if its not interesting at all.

Sorry it took long to finish this part.

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