Hero comeback

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Sasuke POV

Should I report to Kakashi first or Mr Hiashi... he thought, jumping from tree to tree. What am I thinking, jumping is gonna take some time. Using his space-time ninjutsu, Sasuke used Amenotejikara and teleported to Konoha main gate.

Now... who should I alert first. His brain was still considering for the right decision, but his heart carry his footsteps, walking towards the Hyuga residence. I guess family comes first. He thought to himself. Sasuke ran as fast as he could, entering Mr Hiashi house as they were having a playtime with Arata.

Hiashi: Mr Uchiha, what a surprise, what are you doing here?

Before answering his question, Sasuke bow down to him as a gesture of respect.

Sasuke: Mr Hiashi, I have something to tell you personally. Let's go somewhere private.

Hiashi face features turned serious, wrinkles could be seen on his forehead. Right this way, Hiashi spoke up, his arm gestures to the room on his right.

Sasuke: I'm sorry sir, I failed to protect Hinata. She was kidnapped. I informed you right away, even the hokage hadn't knows about this.

Hiashi: Don't tell me sorry, I want you to bring her back. Her son needs her. You need her. Your future generations depends on her, isn't that right Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke:.... I will risk it all for her. Excuse me, I need to inform this matter to the hokage.

Hiashi: Don't get yourself killed. Before you leave, go see Arata, I'm sure he'll be happy to see his father.

Sasuke left the room, and just as Hiashi said, Arata was already sitting on a coach outside the room, gleefully waiting for his father.

"Hey dad, I missed you. Where's mom, I wanna see her." Arata blurred out, while smiling to his father, eager for an answer.

"Arata, your mom is still on a mission, I came here to check up on you. I'll be going back again to finish the mission." Said Sasuke lifting him up.

"You came back just for me? Yeah right, I'm not that dumb dad. You can tell me, I can keep a secret." Arata pleaded to his father, curiosity overtake him. He knew it wasn't just that, something important must have came up he thought.

Heh, smart kid. Well, I can't tell you now because it's a top secret, not just any secrets. We'll catch up later. Sasuke said this as he gave a wink to him. As he walk away, he muttered, We love you kid.

At the Hokage HQ

Sixth hokage, someone here to see you. You'd be surprised. As Shikamaru opened the door, a familiar figure walks in.

Sasuke? What are you doing here?

Kakashi sensei... Hinata had been kidnapped. We don't know her whereabouts.

This is unexpected. Have Hiashi Hyuga learnt the disappearance of his daughter?

Yes. I told him as soon as I arrived. On the mission earlier, we split into 2 teams. Naruto, Kiba and Akamaru are the other team. A stranger suddenly appear when I triggered a bomb. He took Hinata and disappear into a portal.

Seems like our enemy are more powerful than we thought. I'm sending out one of my dogs to search the others. We are abording this mission, saving Hinata is our priority now.

Kakashi summoned Pakkun and gave him orders. "Pakkun, I need you to bring back Naruto, kiba, akamaru and shino. This is important. Avoid any more combats."

Pakkun left as soon as Kakashi finished talking. He approached Sasuke and asked him about the stranger. Sasuke fills him in with every details. After explaining everything, Kakashi dismiss him and told him to get some rest.

At Sasuke home

Sasuke lay still on his bed, thoughts of Hinata well-being keep on flowing. Hinata please be strong..... His mind was occupied with plans, every cell of his brain working to find a way to beat the stranger until he fell asleep.

He woke up feeling the heat from the sun rays coming in from a small opening of his window. Sasuke rubbed his eyes, stood up and washed himself. He made scrambled egg and a cup of hot tea for breakfast then left to the Hokage headquarter. As he was preparing his breakfast, a flashback of them having breakfast lure in his mind.

I can't stand here just waiting... I'm gonna regret it if anything bad happens to her. Sasuke kept on walking till he reach the outside of Kakashi office. With a strong determination burning inside him, he knocked on the door a few times..

From inside, a steady voice called him to enter. It turns out, the rest of the teammates are already back. The moment Sasuke walks in, Naruto furiously grab him by the collar, anger took over the blonde hair man. He pushed Sasuke to the wall, looking deeply into his eyes with bloodshot stare.

Naruto: What the hell Sasuke!? You were supposed to protect her!

Sasuke pushed him aside, fixed his collar and says...

Oh like you could do any better. You're no different Naruto. The enemy has the upper hand so shut it.

Naruto: Bullshit. The problem is you! You don't care enough to keep her safe. I shouldn't have let you team up with her.

Kiba: Hey now.. let's not fight about this. Hinata is a strong kunoichi. Let's not waste any more time arguing guys.

Sasuke: Yeah Kiba, tell that to the dumb head over there. I'm ready to start this rescue mission now.

As soon as he finished his words, a strong blow was delivered on Sasuke right cheek. The impact from the blow causes him to shift to the left, looking down, he tenderly rubbed his slighty swollen cheeks. As he looks up to Naruto direction... "why are you so pissed Naruto, it's not like your wife is the victim here nor your kids."

Okayy that's a wrap. Hope u guys enjoys it. Give me a star if u like this chapter 💕

As always, comments your thoughts!

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