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They get to the roof, and at first it looks all fine. Like there's nothing wrong. Shit were they wrong. "Fuck." Ryder whispers as he watches the Berserker walk towards them. Liam wolfs out, and Kira's belt turns into a fucking katana. "Yeah, Berserker. run." Kira warns him and he moves out of the way, watching Liam attack the giant thing with everything he's got. slashing at it with his claws, but the thing just won't go down. He's fucking invincible. Ryder watches Kira run towards it, but the thing pushes her aside rather easily. Liam let's out a sharp growl, and continues running at the beast, trying and failing every time to bring the thing down. It's huge, of course it'd be hard, but this? This is unnatural. Oh shit. That's right. It's all supernatural. 

The Berserker comes charging towards Kira and Ryder, both of them dodge and run. "Ryder, it's right behind you!" Kira shouts, and Ryder dodges it when it almost hits him. The Berserker is faster than Ryder though. He quickly catches up, grabbing the boy, he would've face planted if it weren't for the tough grip the thing has on him. "Ryder!" Liam shouts, running towards the Berserker and his friend. "It's okay. He's only gonna stab me." Ryder says with a small smile. Liam keeps running forward. "Only gonna stab you?! How are you so calm?!" The Berserker doesn't waste any time in plunging the bone knife into Ryder's back. Ryder makes a choking noise and the Berserker pushes him away, and onto the concrete of the roof. "Fuck..." Ryder coughs, rolling onto his stomach. "Fuck, that hurts." Ryder complains, but still, he doesn't cry. Meanwhile, the Berserker makes a grunting noise and stalks away, leaving the trio on the roof. "No shit." Liam tells him, grabbing the bleeding boy. "Kira, we have to wake up Scott. He has to bite him." Kira looks at him like he's dumb. "I mean..." She doesn't finish her sentence, Just pulls Liam along as soon as he's got a good enough hold on Ryder. 

When they reach the morgue, Stiles is already there, and he gasps when he sees the bleeding boy. "Seriously? It's his first time dealing with a supernatural problem, and you guys get him killed?" Stiles looks at Ryder sadly, but the boy just smiles back, spitting up a little bit of blood. "Gross." Stiles says, but doesn't say anything else. "Argent isn't answering his phone." 

Suddenly Argent comes bursting through the morgue doors. Obviously thrown. "I'm taking the body Chris." A woman says, she's got blonde hair and is obviously supernatural, but definitely not a werewolf. "Why? Visual Confirmation?" Stiles asks, and steps in front of Scott's body. "Get out of the way Stiles. I'm taking the body." She warns, then turns her attention to Ryder. "They do that to you?" Liam growls, taking a threatening step towards her. "They did." Argent Steps forward, pulling a pistol out of his pocket and pressing it to the woman's throat. "Take the Berserkers and go Kate, we have a plan." Kate tilts her head. "Your not gonna shoot me Chris." She taunts, Chris takes a deep breath. "I don't want to." He admits, adjusting his grip on the gun. "Go." Kate backs off. Walking back out the Morgue doors. 

Finally they revive Scott, and Ryder feels like he can't feel his abdomen. "I don't think this is good. I can't feel right here." He groans, pointing to where the wound is. He's sitting against a wall and Scott is looking majorly guilty. "How did this happen?" Scott asks, turning to Liam. "I-I was close to getting him out of there, but,I was too slow. I could've stopped this." Liam's eyes are tearing up and he looks at the floor. "I did this." Ryder coughs, a little blood spilling out of his mouth. "No, I can fix this. I can. I'm pretty sure he'll live." Scott says, walking over to Ryder. "I'm gonna, puke and-" Ryder doesn't finish his sentence before his head lolls to the side, and he passes out. "Ryder." Kira calls, but the boy is nowhere near awake anymore. "Scott you have to hurry if you want a real chance." Argent warns the alpha. Scott nods. Taking a deep breath, he sinks his canines into the flesh of Ryder's wrist. 

When Ryder wakes up, he feels awake. He sits up and looks around. "Where the fuck am I?" he asks himself out loud. Liam walks into the room, giving Ryder a relieved smile. "Your at Scott's. Most of us stayed here to make sure you didn't die." Ryder nods. Grinning, he reaches for Liam to pull him up. Liam gives a small smile, and pulls Ryder up. "How you feeling?" Ryder thinks for a moment. "Very awake." He answers, running a hand through his hair. "Shit, my dad-" Liam cuts him off. "I called him. Got Scott's mom to talk to him for you." Ryder smiles, draping his arm over Liam's shoulders. "You know, your pretty sly Babe." Liam shrugs Ryder's arm off. "Shut up." But he laughs along with Ryder. 

When they get downstairs, everyone cheers. "He lives!" Stiles yells, grinning widely at the boy. Everyone is laughing and they all start talking among themselves. "Your lucky you woke up before school." Scott tells him, giving him a hug. Ryder hugs back, smiling. "Let's go to school then. Fuck." Ryder suggests. "You need breakfast little man." Scott says, ruffling the boys hair. 

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