I made another one, go me
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. That's the worst one in my opinion
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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. I may color this one
Ad here's my fave
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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Line art
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. colored
Fun fact- I named her after my friend from school lol
Anyway that's all for now

[OLD] Art Book of Bullshit 2
De TodoWelcome to my second art book ever! I plan on making comics, more oc's than anyone should have, and hopefully improving my style! Lilly~