Carissa and Ethan have been best friends ever since birth. They guys told each other everything but there was something that he's been wanting to tell Carissa since the start of middle school. They are freshman and like always everything changes in...
It's one week until homecoming and Ethan still hasn't asked Carissa but she isn't worried about it. It's Monday night and it is one game away until the homecoming game. Ethan is super hyped about this game and finally asking Carissa to homecoming. Grayson and Lyliana know about Ethan asking her and the cute way he is asking, really the whole school knew how he was asking her but Carissa. The end of the fresh/soph game it was 46 to 6, Montgomery High School in New Jersey was winning, the school the twins and Carissa go to. Once the fresh/soph game was over Ethan and Carissa go to the concession stands to get food. It was kind of chilly out since it was the middle of September.
"I'm cold."
"Here." Said Ethan handing Carissa his letter men jacket.
"But what are you going to wear?"
"I got it babe, don't worry I'm fine."
They got popcorn and both got a water. They sat down and watched the first half of the varsity game. Half time came and Carissa being a cheerleader had to perform their half time dance routine. Ethan went behind the stands and got everything set up to ask Carissa. This is the biggest homecoming proposal the school has ever seen. Ethan had the whole football team fresh/soph and varsity go out and hand Carissa her favorite flowers, sunflowers and roses. Then he had the cheerleaders hand her a box. What was in the box made Carissa cry. In the box was a promise ring and under the ring was a note.
"I promise to forever love you, no matter what. I promise to always be there for you through thick and thin. I promise to always be your shoulder to cry on. I promise to always make you laugh when you need it most. I promise to always protect you even when you think you have it handled. I love you more than anything, and I mean everything in this letter and anything I say to you."
Carissareads the letter and starts crying even more, not sad tears but extremely happy tears. The football players and cheerleaders made a path way to Carissa for Ethan to walk, but before Ethan came out it was Lyliana. Lyliana walked up to Carissa and they hugged for a bit and then they let go. Then Ethan comes out and behind him is the marching band, playing one of Carissa's favorite songs by one of her favorite bands. Strong by One Direction.
Once the band stopped playing the song Ethan reached for a poster.
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Of course Carissa said yes. She sped walked up to Ethan and gave him the biggest hug and kiss. The first people to walk back was the band and then the football and cheerleaders and then Ethan and Carissa stood in the middle of the field while friends and family took pictures. Then they walked back and everyone clapped and cheered. They got back to behind the bleachers and hugged and kissed more. Family came down to congratulate them and take more pictures.
"Do you still have that box?"
"Yeah it's right here."
Can I have it?"
Carissa hands Ethan the box. Ethan grabs Carissa's hand and puts the ring on her finger. Of course Carissa cried more, parents took pictures and videos the whole time. Ethan pulled her in for a long, tight, comforting, safe hug. Carissa pulled away to look Ethan his eyes and say that she loves him so much that words can't express her love. Ethan kisses her on forehead and tells her that he loves her too.
"Uh what about my homecoming proposal?"
"Oh yeah sorry okay what do I need to do?"
Grayson told Ethan and Carissa what to do. Carissa was to get Lyliana and bring her to the back of the bleachers. Ethan was to hand her flowers and then Grayson was going to ask to homecoming. It wasn't as epic as Ethan's but it was still cute and Grayson even asked Lyliana to be his girlfriend. She said yes to both and she couldn't be happier. Once they got pictures and everything the two couples went back into the bleachers and watched the rest of the game. Carissa was so tired that she fell asleep on Ethan's shoulder in the middle of watching the game. She still had Ethan's letter man jacket on the whole time and surprisingly it was really warm and comfortable. She fell asleep so fast that no one had time to ask her if she wanted to go home but she was completely content with holding her boyfriends hand and wearing his jacket. The game got over and Ethan had to wake her up because it was time to go and her mom was waiting for her in the car. Carissa woke up a little bit but not enough to walk to her car so Ethan being the best boyfriend he could be picked her up and carried her to her car. He put her in the front seat and kissed her goodnight and then they drove off. Ethan waited for Grayson to say goodbye to Lyliana so they could go home.
"Tonight was kind of stressful but I had a good time." Grayson said.
"Yeah I know bro, just don't screw your relationship up this time."