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Woman officer: it was the MURDERER you saw.
Woman officer: you are not save here let's go.!

Y/n couldn't process what was going on who was the MURDERER ?? Why he killed her family?? Why was this woman officer was helping her?? Y/n just wanted the answer if y/n listens to her heart her heart says she should follow the woman officer but her mind says something different y/n doesn't know  what to do ?what to choose so y/n just listened to her heart n followed the woman officer. Before getting out of y/n house the woman officer burned the house in front of y/n eyes n as the fire taken over y/n house the woman officer n y/n got out of the town presuming everyone in
y/n's town that Y/N KWON WAS DEAD WITH ONE OF THE POLICE OFFICER N as the news spread everyone in y/n's  town heard the news .

               N here y/n was with woman officer in the car driving to seoul city the car was silent until y/n decided to break the silence.

Y/n: so.. what are we going to do?
Woman officer: like what?
Y/n: I mean are you going to abound me when we arrive at seoul?
Woman officer:/laughing/ no...
Y/n: so.. what's the plan then??
Woman officer: you will know when we get their ok?
Y/n: ok.
Woman officer: your life is going to CHANGE Y/N./SMILING AT YOU/
Y/n:/SMILING back /
Y/n: I HOPE SO.../smiling/

                        END OF CH4
         SCHOOL2019 WHO ARE YOU?

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