The Truth

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Bella's POV:

Its been a month since our trip to meet Elliot's parents. One dreadful month of coming to realization of how I feel about Elliot. We haven't even had sex because of this.

Are Elliot and I even good for each other? I mean, what if we just rushed everything and now there's no fun in what we have. I want to feel excited everytime I see him, I want to feel tension like never before, I want to never stop feeling love for him. But do I feel that way?

How does he feel about me? Sometimes I feel like he's just as bored with me as I am with him. Then, I remember what Michael said...

"He's still in love with Paulina..."

Those words don't even make me crawl anymore. I used to feel like it was the end of the world everytime I thought about it but the more I do, the more I realize it's true.

For instance, we're in a room with Michael and Paulina, and Elliot's heart pounds everytime she moves. He looks at her like she's his whole world when she talks. He should look at me like that, but he doesn't.

I think our time has come. I just don't know how I'll tell him. Especially since my birthday is next week. That's when I get a call from Elliot...

"Hey babygirl," he says, it sounds like he's driving.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked sitting up in my bed.

"So, my uncle broke his hip and I have to fly out right now because my aunt can't take care of him by herself. Plus my parents can't fly out because, you know..."

"Oh no, I hope he's okay," I replied placing my hand over my mouth.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. But there is another problem," he said unsurely through the call.

"Okay... Spill,"

"I'm staying in Canada for a week, and I know your birthday is next week so I'm hoping I can leave a day early."

"It's okay Elliot, I understand" I said sighing.

"No it's not okay, I promised I was going to take you out to dinner the night before so we could blow out candles at midnight," he said rushing the sentence.

"Elliot, don't stress okay. Everything's fine."

"Are you sure Bella?" he said quietly.

"Yes, I'm sure," I replied lying, "Just call me after your flight, you know I don't like you using your phone while driving."

"Yeah yeah," he said laughingly, "Alright I got to go babygirl, I love you."

"I love you too," I said before hanging up the call.

I love you too? Im lying. To him. What am I supposed to do now?

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