to my readers (please read)

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Heya guys its me moon here or shadow and im here for a new book  called (i will win her heart) (of course by me but the characters are not mine i only own the story but not
The caracters) ( well the au called UNDERSPELL) if you all know what au is this but i really what to know about more on this au so yeah this will be youre look so don't juge me (srry for the wrong spelling)

Heya guys its me moon here or shadow and im here for a new book  called (i will win her heart) (of course by me but the characters are not mine i only own the story but not The caracters) ( well the au called UNDERSPELL) if you all know what au is...

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So that's them maybe i should know about more on this au so yeah  see ya guy's

Moon/shadow out~~~~🌙

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