she is sweet but psycho(yan bara blueberry x yan reader

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Y/n's pov (play the music)

Its been a monts since the monster has been realist from the underground and still i and my mom said im a yanderey means i can't feel emotion till i found my sempai and now i was walking to the store to buy a grosery what my mom said and i had enough mony to buy it all and i haved a list to  i found the grosery store and i open the door and buy the things i need

After a while ~◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇

And now i haved one thing to buy and it was the top of the tall stall and i try to reach it but fail "hey there human need enyhelp?"he ask and i look at him my eye shine and butterfly in my stomac (like you zing reader like i mean igot that from hotel transelvaiña) "o..h yeah tangks" he reach me the cerial (or whatever) i need and and i thangk him agin before buy this all of this stuff that mom need why i feel so so wierd what is this feeling?
Is this loved that mom said to me??but i dont care he will be mine and only mine no one can take him away from me

Blue's pov

While i was walking down the ile i saw this beutiful human reaching someting in the tall stall heh how cute
"Hey ther human need enyhelp" i ask "o..h yeah thangks"
And i pass her that she been reaching and gave it to her
And she thangk me agin and she buy all of her stuff and leave the store



ell im tired goodbye my little baby reade's have a good day/night

Shadow/moon chan ~♡🌙(and i will make a part 2)

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