fell pallet x badass reader (rumors)

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Autors pov

Y/n is the badass at the school of underhigh everyone was scared of her even the jocks becuse she hit as hell
The leader of the delequents ummm..... lets just say fell pallet k (ok the wall has crack now) he got very interest about this girl and he wanted to know more about this girl so he will make a moved

Fell pallet's pov

Heh i herd about this girl well rumors are speding about this girl and i learnd her name is y/n i want to meet this girl and ther she is walking like a badass w/ egdy look on her face like she walk up in wrong side of the bed now to
Make a move "hey there egde girl" i said to her " ugh what do you want you dumm delequent" she said harsly and cold to me 'well rude' " well im here to want to know you more well rumors are spreding about you so can we hang-out?" She look at me with a cold stare in her eyes and sigh "fine like im nothing better to do" and we swap numbers and she walk away 'hahaha finaly got here number and now got to saved it'

Y/n's pov

Well the leader of the delequent is benig friendly towards to me wow thats new to him sigh ineed to go to class

TIME SKIP◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

Me and pallet are now walking together to the new open cafe near by at school and we finally get ther and we seat and give oure oders to the waitress and we talk some random stuff and finaly oure orde is here

Day skipp 3 moths♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Pallets pov

Its time to show off to every one i need this to sing to her and ask her to be mine

Y/n's pov
Ok pallet tell me to go to the school stage when i get there so meny poeple ugh lets get just over this

Pallets pov

Now im in front of the stage and time to sing and show off pallet paly it cool ok k

Play the music



She got nice long hair and you know she is a bad chick
All the boys stare can't help it its habit
Clothse she were's- short skirt and a jacket
I just wanna get her alone in the mattres
I just wanna haved it,i just gotta haved it
Rumors all around
Say her body was fantastic
All natural girl not a pice of her is plastic
Head to her toes yeah they say that
She's elastic
Yeah the wispers all around
Say she has a reputation
Don't belived it till i see it
So i want a demonstration and i've alwasys
Leard it better with a hands of education
So i need i private sesion if you get what im saying
And they say she is not esey
No- she is complicated
But its olnly makes it better it better and its got me
So fixated and im not tyep ro waited around
I've never hesitated but she got me captivated
So the game im gonna play it yeah


She got a body coke fiend
She likes to keep the party going

The spot light point at y/n everyone look at her and fangirling and fanboiying all of the cowrd
This rumors got feeling me lonly
I want that body baby show me
She got a body coke fiend
She likes to keep the party going
I want that body baby show me ×2

eres #2÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷

I heard that you look good in sundress
I heard that you look good when you're undress
I heard that you like to get away
I heard that you like to stay out late
I heard that you had a coulpe of boyfriends
I heard that they didn't treat you right
I heard that youre hated by youre girlfriends
Cuse all the gusy want you tonight
They say she is too hot and they say she is too cold
Where she came from nobody really knows
They say she looks young but she acks old
From everything i heard she gets out of control
All the boys say she was sent from heavens
But im not too sure if this girl is blessing
She got the devils eyes and they will cut you like a
Wepon she is stuck in my mind like a bad obssetion
Everyone push you to the front of youre confessing
Friend pallet well you got a feeling for him too
Got bad intentions


She got a body like coke fiend
She like to keep the party going
Theis rumors got me feeling lonely
Iwant that body baby show me
She got a body like coke fiend
She like to keep the party going
Theis rumors got me feeling lonely
She got a body baby show me×2

She got a body like a coke feind
She like to keep the party going
Theis rumors got me feeling lonly
I want that body baby show me
She got a body like coke feind
She likes to keep the party going
Theis rumors got me feeling lonly
I want that body baby show me ×2

After the song ended pallet pulls you w/ him in the stage
And said "y/n this tree monts i develop feelig for you and i want you to be mine and-" go down keneel on one knee
"Y/n m/n l/n would you be my girlfriend?" He ask every one was quiet waiting for youre answer " YES a milion times yes" you kiss him in the lips(?) everyone cheerd to the new couple (ship/name) and every one is saying " s/n s/n OTP"
Everyone cheerd about you guys the mean girls got angry about you but you didn't care becused you had tge loved of youre life pallet

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