(oure cute bubbly neko)neko bubbly reader x n&j goth and pallet

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Request by(nexistale_creator)

Autors pov

Y/n,goth and pallet are friend sinc in the elementary school and there going to the same school called underhigh but goth was the library
Assistant in the school called underhigh now she is the new girl like she was in the middel of being a jock and being a nerd like balance not too nerdy or even not too jocky to every one tho but you had a crush on one of youre bestie goth and pallet you find them too atractive to you but look at you you're so chubby and bubbly how they would find you atractive anyway '*sigh they would never loved me anyway well look at me im fat and has a bubbly body i hate this!' as y/n tought to her self were all negetive she always think negetive to her self even she's not while she was walking down the halls everyone was looking at her like she look like a freak in there eyes but the truth is everyone was blushing becuse her cuves was showing even the divas was jealouse of youre body becuse youre curevs was showing all the boys was blushing and the girls glear daggers at you you dont really needed of alot of attention now you were going at the laibray becuse you need to drop off some books to goth you saw the libray and open the door see pallet and goth is having a little argument between them well small talk "haya gusy's what you are talking about?"they blushes and turn thair heads to you there eyesockets are all black like the black abbys amd there bushing madly and i cut off the akward silent "sorry if i inturup somtihing immportant?"youre tale sway side to side of being ceriosity to what there talking "umm any case i was here to drop this books here in the libray anyway g2g" you were about to go when suddenly goth and pallet stop you "WAIT"they said both and i shush them "dude's were in the libray!""oh yeah sorry" pallet said "hey! That was my line!" You giggled at there childish bahavior "so what isit? Want to talk about??" "O...oh yeah" goth clear his trought(? Wrong spelling i know)"y/n we want to tell you something me and pallet is having a argument about having you the first we like you and we want you to choose one of us two"goth said with a serious voice now you sweat drop who are you gonna choose you thing wisely "how about i like yoy both" "what?"goth said "but you cant choose both"pallet said youre cat ear fell down to youre head and said to them "please~?"you give youre best cute cat eyes to them and they nose bleed "fine now we have to share her"goth say "yeah like they say the more the merier" "we loved you y/n" "i loved you too guys" and they kiss me in the both cheeks

Pallet and goth pov

"Oure cute chubby neko"

I know it was short but i try my best of it
Cuz i was run out of ideas sorry

Moon peace out~🌙

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