match in the dark(nightmare x reader)

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autor's pov (youre on my au called moon tale so bare with me)

the darkness is my home and my shadows are my friends my nightmares are my family as (y/n) tought to her self (to the real story)

its nighttime its means its morning to you and your'e shadows and nightmares "*yawn* morning my dear shadows and nightmares"as you greet "morning mama*yawn*" they yawn cutely "come now we have to go to the kitchen and eat and were out to our'e job k" they nod all and as you go the kitchen and get some food but when you open the refregirator thers's no food so you need to go at the groseri store well i need to go shopping either"well you told youre night mare's that you will buy some food and go to youre room and change to youre original cloths and get what you need after that you got out to youre room and go outside it was pretty dark well you didn't bother that well youre used to it anyway and now you look at your'e bag to the last final check that you all you got like keys/wallet/cellphone/and others and now youre walking to the sidewalk and go to the store


you sigh and walk back but you feel presents that is comepletly similar to your'e shadows preasents but more preservativ than youre shadows and you said "iknow youre in ther followin me get out of there now"you said in command tone "heh i thingk you got me there sweetheart""don't call me sweetheart i don't even know you now scram" "i thingk you shouldn't say that if i were you" ''and why is that?'' ''well sweety did youre shadows tell you?'' you were frozed in youre spot how did he know that?? now youre confused and boild of anger ''how do you know about that huh show youre self!'' you said breavely "ok if you ask so" he came out of the dark and you were shock that he was the king of nightmares that youre shadows and naightmares tell you everynight and now you meet him in personal and see his hole face ''ugh you why are you here in my au king of the nightmares?? or should i say nightmare''(that what she said *smak* owie ok fine to the story)you said coldly at him ''ouch that hurt my soul but in any case'' he wraps a tentical around you and you squirm to get out from his grasp but she is too strong 'how many fu***king black appls did he eat to make him this strong'but you gived up becuse you were tierd and out of breath and youask him'' want do you want from me anyway??'' you finally pop the question to him ''heh what i want? its you''he said ''what what do you mean you want me thers nothing about me im jut normal with my family'' as you said and he kiss you on the lips and you try to get out but fail and you finally melt to the kiss and kiss him back little did you know that youre little shadows are waching and they cheerd and hug there new daddy of the darkness

the next its lemon so don't worry its not finish yet

Moon-chan~ out♡♡♡

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