I managed to think of 5 stanzas. I thought about writing 4 but I just needed one more stanza. Thank you for your time!
Words so powerful
Like a single domino
It pushes much moreNo one is perfect
Misunderstandings occur
But love should prevailFor when hatred rules
Relationships get broken
Ones so hard to findTime can't be turned back
So, do the best with your time
And cherish momentsThese moments in which
Happiness only exists
And friendships strengthen___________________________
I actually like this one. I wrote it on the spot but I know that it is true. We emcounter problems in life and we just have to face them. They say that crying doesn't do anything but it comforts us and that is something. Sometimes, to be able to move on, we have to embrace the pain but at the same time we shouldn't embrace the pain too much because eveything too much is bad. I just want to remind each one of us that when we have problems, just fight. People are there for you. And of course, problems and misunderstandings and arguments, they can't resolve without effort. Say sorry or forgive people. Everyone makes mistakes and that is why we should forgive and be an example. That is why we have to try and succeed. You'll know its worth it. Remember, GOD IS ALWAYS HERE FOR US. Sometimes, we doubt him because when we need him we think he is not here but truth be told, He is here. Take note that when we take an exam, our teacher is silent. So, when we face problems, God is silent but he gives us strength. So, in a way he is still there to help us. Life is full of hindrances. Hindrances that we should not let to put us down. Instead, push us forward and grow. Thank you and God bless everyone! (My note is longer than the actual text, sorry!)
RandomI think this will be a good start for writing. Honestly, I've always liked writing. Songs, poems, stories, especially haikus! I just don't have the confidence but I recently realized that, I don't need readers. All I know is that I want to share my...