Chapter 39 - Chinese?

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Redbank, New Jersey

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Redbank, New Jersey. October 13th 1991.

I know it was weird and he didn't particularly like it, but he wasn't to know, and I just couldn't stop. How could I not? He was so beautiful.

I lay there on the bed with my head on the pillow, grinning, just watching Jon as he slept. He was so peaceful and so godamn handsome. He was on his side, facing me, with one of his hands tucked beneath his head, the other was somewhere underneath the duvet which came halfway up his arm, just leaving me with a view of his manly chest and that adorable Superman tattoo. I was just so happy.

Smiling to myself, I remembered all the places that he had touched me the night before. My skin was still tingling everywhere he had kissed me, the electricity of our love was very much still running through my veins.

That night, everything just felt right. I know it had taken a rather long time for us to get there, longer than I would have hoped after everything had happened, but still. Everything was out in the open and we were finally on the road back to where we were. Back to that spontaneous, happy-go-lucky love we had.

As I lay there, gazing across at him, I couldn't help but think of the first time I woke up next to him. I had thought about that day a lot, but it was just seemed to always be there in the forefront of my mind.

Just seeing the way his scruffy hair fell around his perfect face and the way the morning sun beaming through the curtains bounced off his flawless skin - even to this day I didn't know how his skin came to be like that of an angel's, he never used any skin products, maybe he was just blessed. Hm, who was I kidding, of course he was. Just one look of that face was enough to enough to make anyone weak at the knees, but it was that morning that did it for me.

I knew I was in love with him that morning, but I had undoubtably been his since the day he first laid eyes on me. I bit my lip and shook my head, instinctively bringing my hand up to my face to cover my blush, I don't know why, he couldn't see me.

How the hell did I get here?

I had asked myself that question a million times over the 4 years we had been together. 4 years. That was a long time. We had been through so much in that time. And yet the most sought-after man in the world, still chose to love me. I was the luckiest girl in the world to be able to call him mine.

Even after all that time, he still managed to make me feel as giddy as the day we first met. Who would have known that one concert could have changed my life so much? I guess it was just my destiny, if you believe in that. Or maybe it was all just meant to be.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of those little puppy cries. I looked to the end of the bed and didn't see my huge lump of a dog laying there. Where the hell was he? I heard the whimpering again, followed by a few scratches. Shit! I had locked Baxter out last night.

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