Chapter 20 - Shenanigans

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London, August 27th 1987

I still couldn't really believe it. I was stood in the hallway, making out with Jon Bon Jovi. I had kissed him many times over the last few days but I don't think I'll ever really get used to it. He began to walk me back until I hit the table by the door.

It took me by surprise a little, but my hands soon found their way around his neck again. I deepened the kiss by swiping my tongue across his lip and he soon opened his mouth for me. I loved the taste of Jon. I know that sounds weird, but I did – he was delicious.

My breathing sped up as his hands travelled over my skin, his calloused hands sending tingles to the pit of my stomach. When they landed on my butt and squeezed them, his lips parted from mine momentarily and I whimpered a little.

"Jump" He whispered forcefully.

I was a little hesitant at first because I didn't know if he'd be able to take my weight but I was too horny to really care about that. I did as he commanded and jumped up, his hand going under my butt to support me so I didn't fall.

His lips went straight back to mine as he placed me on the table, standing in between my legs. My hands clutched at the fabric of his shirt, tugging it away so I could touch his sweet skin. Both of us were getting a little heated and when his lips travelled down my neck, my hands travelled down to his hips.

I could feel his erection under his jeans and I bit my lip as I went to undo the buckle. Unfortunately he pulled away from my neck and looked at me a bit confused. "What about the rule?" He questioned. After all the times I've stopped him getting in my pants, he now stops me.

"Fuck the rule" I scoffed, leaning back slighting to rip my shirt off from over my head. His eyes immediately glued to my chest. "Rules are made for breaking" He smirked at me. I knew he had been wanting this for a long time, and so had I.

After he had finished devouring me with his eyes, his lips went to mine again. I pushed off his leather jacket and it fell to the floor with a thud but I couldn't have cared less. Our kiss got heated once again and his kisses went down my jaw line to my neck.

Moan after moan came out my mouth as he nibbled and sucked on my skin, probably giving me loads of hickeys, but I couldn't have cared. I opened my eyes slightly and looked down to see Baxter sitting at Jon's feet looking up at us.

"Jon" I hit him gently and his head rose from my neck and he looked at me. He followed my gaze down to the dog sitting on the floor and chuckled a bit. It was silent for a moment as we both just stared down at Baxter who was probably wondering what the hell Jon was doing to his mum.

"Shall we go to the bedroom?" He offered, looking back to me. I nodded enthusiastically, I did not want Baxter to witness what we were about to do. Luckily he didn't follow us and just went to do his own thing.

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