Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 C: it's 1:11 am here and I'm bored AF and I'm half asleep so excuse me if it's bad. .-.

Hehe its chapter 11 and it's 1:11 am. ^•^




I yawned and turned to look at my alarm clock.

10:30 am. I lay in bed for a few more minutes before deciding to finally get out.

I stretched and grabbed my towel to take a shower. When I came out I slipped on skinny jeans, Converse and a leather jacket.

I went to the mirror to spike up my long black hair in the back.

Call me gay for having long hair but I like it.

I stuffed my hands in my pocket.

Now what?

I grabbed my guitar to warm up a little before it was time to head over to practice.



"Hey Andy, I needa pass by CVS quickly," I told him as we sat cuddled together on the couch.

"Uh okay, but be back before the band gets here," he said kissing my hand.

"I will," I replied and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

I slipped on a sweater and headed out into the drizzling April day.

I walked to the CVS where I first met Andy and smiled to myself.

I went in and walked to beverage aisle where I saw a girl drop a juice and say, "Shit,"

I pulled out some tissues I had in my bag and offered to help her.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

I took in her appearance. Curly blonde hair with dyed red tips, around my height, heavy eyeliner surrounded her grey eyes, and she was wearing a black Misfits t-shirt with grey skinny jeans.

"Oh, you like the Misfits?" I asked, suddenly realizing how awkward I sounded.

She looked up at me and smiled, "Yeah, you?"

"I've listened to them a few times because my boyfriend likes them," I said laughing.

"Well your boyfriend has a good taste in music," she said grinning.

"Yeah we're both into bands like that," I said.

"Really? I honestly don't know anyone else that likes bands I do. At least I've never met anyone in real life.." she said and looked down at her feet, "I'm Brittany by the way, Brittany Caulsworth." she said sticking out her hand.

I took hold of it and shook it, "I'm Alexandria," I said smiling, "Uh Riley..everybody calls me Alex though,"

We finished cleaning the last of the juice and I found out she was three years older than me. 21.

"Really?" I asked when she told me. "I thought you were around my age,"

"Ha-ha nope," she replied.

She's pretty enough, Ashley's only 24 he might have a chance with her [A.N. Yes, I know what you're thinking...Ashley's 24 and he went to school with Alex?! Well unfortunately when I wrote the fanfic I didn't do my research so I didn't know how old he was .-. Forgive me. Just ignore that fact ,_.]

"Uh my boyfriend he has band practice at my house, they're basically like rock do you wanna come listen to them?" I asked.

"I would love to!" she exclaimed.

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