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A/N Alright, so I'm gonna start each chapter with a small letter from Elliot to his daughter. They may not make a lot of sense, but it's just to give you all a look into their lives. This will also be starting up after Elliot got home for Thanksgiving.

May 1st

Oh my Olivia. I'm so sorry that I missed your 8th birthday. I know that when I said I'd be there for you through everything, I didn't mean to disappoint you. I did get you something special for your birthday. I ordered it before I left, and I'm sure you already opened it by the time you got this. It was something your mother always loved. I have to go and work, honey. I'll continue this letter later. I love you.

Elliot sank down onto Alex's couch, as he ran his hand over his face. Olivia was in her bedroom sleeping, and Alex was in her kitchen making coffee. After eating a huge dinner with his family, he was ready to sleep, but he had to address his plan on leaving the Navy before passing out on the small and uncomfortable couch.

"Here you go," Alex spoke, as she handed Elliot a mug before she sank down beside him. She curled up a bit and covered her legs up with the blanket that was on the back of her couch.

"Thanks," Elliot mumbled before he took a long drink from it. He leaned back and closed his eyes, as he cupped his mug in his hands, and felt the warmth seep into his palms.

"Olivia was so beyond excited to see you. She has been talking about you nonstop since she got your last letter, and now that you are home, she'll be talking about everything having to do with you now." Alex spoke, and Elliot nodded.

"She talks a lot more than her mother did," Elliot whispered.

"Well, it's because your wife never had to say anything. She just had to look at you, and everything she wanted to say you saw on her face and in her eyes." Alex breathed.

Talking about Liv was a hard topic, and when it did come up they usually ended up crying. But when they talked about her, they got to use her nickname again, something they never used with Elliot's daughter. Something just seemed wrong if they tripped up and used it. It was as if they were replacing a woman that had been such a huge part of their life.

"Thanks for letting me crash here tonight. I have to go to the base tomorrow, and then I'm going to look for an apartment. I just need to start figuring out how I can pay for one."

"Elliot, you and Livvie are always welcome here. I can clean up the basement and put a bed in there if you want. Or you can just crash on my couch. Until you are ready to get an apartment, this can be your home of sorts." The blonde spoke. Elliot reached out and grabbed her hand. He squeezed it tightly, before standing and sitting his mug on the coffee table.

"I'm gonna go check on Olivia, and then go make her lunch." Elliot breathed, and Alex chuckled.

"She doesn't go to school tomorrow." She spoke, and Elliot stopped.

"It's Friday. How doesn't she go to school?" Elliot questioned.

"She's on Thanksgiving break. Amanda is taking her tomorrow. Jesse and Dominick are off too."

"I guess I can take her out there. Uh, I'm gonna go check on her though. I've missed seeing her, and she has that smile on her face when she's dreaming. She's just a small version of Liv."


Elliot may have been exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. He wasn't used to dry land yet and ended up just sitting up and watching TV with the volume off. Sometime around 5 in the morning, Olivia came out of her bedroom, her long brown pigtails a complete mess. She stopped and smiled at him.

"Hi, Daddy." She grinned. 

"Hey, honey. What are you doing up?" Elliot asked.

"I always go in and lay with Aunt Alex." She spoke sweetly. Elliot motioned for his small daughter to come to him, and she walked over to the couch and climbed onto his lap. He held her close and rubbed her back gently.

"Can we spend today together, Daddy?"

"Some of it, darling. I have some business to attend to. Once I'm done, I'll come out and pick you up from Aunt Amanda's, then you and I can go look for an apartment together."

"No..." Olivia trailed off with a huff. She climbed off his lap and ran towards Alex's room. He stared at it with confusion, but then he realized that she might not really want to leave the life she has.

She has been living with Alex since a little bit after her 7th birthday, and now that she's well into her 8th year, she doesn't want a huge change, like moving into a house or apartment.


Elliot walked around Amanda's living room, as she tried to coax Olivia downstairs. His daughter was being stubborn and didn't want to go look for places to live with her father.

Elliot stopped in front of the mantel, and he grabbed a picture of Liv and Amanda at Liv's baby shower. It was taken after Elliot and his wife took a long time to try and get a perfect picture. It had been such a fun day because they were all enjoying themselves and talking about the little girl that didn't have a name until the day her mother passed away.

"Elliot, she's not budging." Amanda frowned, as she walked down the stairs. Elliot looked at her and frowned.

"I'm really failing as a dad lately."

"Hey, you just got back. But you have devoted your life to that little girl, and you took this all in stride. You didn't just give up after Liv died, you continued your life, and even if you miss her like crazy, you still manage to love your daughter and be the father she deserves."

"Can you keep her till she falls asleep? I can come get her then. I have to go find us a house or an apartment, or a bridge to live under. I just gotta try and put a roof over her head and try and get back into SVU." Elliot spoke, before sitting the picture back in its spot.

He walked over to Amanda and kissed her cheek gently.

"I'll see you later. Bye."

Elliot walked from the house and out to his car. He ran his hand over the roof, before sighing. He bought this car for Liv after he sold his motorcycle for it. Everywhere he goes, he can't get her out of his mind. Even in the middle of the freaking ocean, he can still hear her voice and see her smile.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

Letters to Olivia [A SVU and Bensler FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now