
131 7 1

March 1st

Livvie, I got your last letter and that picture of you from your recital. You look absolutely beautiful as a ballerina. I don't know where you got your ability to dance, because your mother and I were always stepping on each other's feet. But just like your mother, anything you do, you try to be perfect at it. God kid, you remind me so much of her! I love you, honey. I'll write again soon.

Elliot slept in his car all night, and once he heard Sonny open the front door, Elliot climbed out of his car and headed up the path.

"Hey, did you sleep in your car last night?" Sonny asked, and Elliot nodded as they walked into the house together.

"Yeah. I didn't want to wake you two up. Was Livvie good?" Elliot asked as he took his jacket off.

"She was good. I have to get to work, but Amanda is off today. You can stay and enjoy some coffee."

"Thanks, man. I'm going to find a place for us to live soon, but until I can, I have to try and see if Alex will take Livvie and let her stay there again."

"Just crash on her couch. Don't push away from us, just because you are upset. It'll get easier. You'll get used to being a single father soon."


When Olivia woke up, she climbed off the floor where she had fallen asleep while playing with her cousin, Jesse. She pulled the hair ties from her hair, and let her long brown hair fall down her back as she went to search for her Aunt.

"Aunt Amanda?" The small girl called, as she headed down the stairs. She looked in the living room and didn't see anyone, and as she got closer to the kitchen, she heard her Dad and her aunt talking.

"You are a great father, El." Amanda breathed, and Elliot sighed.

"My own daughter doesn't even like me. I can't force her to and going to work and trying to still see her is going to be hard. I think that she'd be better off with Alex. She took such good care of her when I was gone, and maybe being raised by a woman would be better for her."

"But she needs her father too."

"I love her, but she's better off without me. I'm gonna go say goodbye, and then I'll try and get out of her life. I know Liv wanted me to stick around, but it's hard when all you can do is disappoint."

Elliot stood up and walked out of the kitchen. He stopped when he saw his daughter standing by the couch, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Daddy, you are leaving me?" She sniffled, and Elliot frowned as he walked over and picked her up. He held his daughter close and caressed her hair as she cried.

"Don't you want to live with Aunt Alex?"

"I wanna be with you, Daddy! I'm sorry I was bad yesterday." She sniffled, as she clung to Elliot's neck.

"It wasn't your fault, kid. Why don't you and I go find a place where you want to live. Come on, let's get you dressed and I'll even get you breakfast."


Bringing Olivia along to find a house seemed better for both of them. Elliot gave up on an apartment and decided to find a house to rent. It would help if it was close to either Alex, Amanda, Nick, or Fin. Because if he couldn't be there for her after school, one of them would for sure be able to.

"Daddy, I want a yard so I can plant pretty flowers," Olivia spoke, as she held her father's hand and walked back to their car after looking into another house.

"Your Mommy loved flowers. I have some pictures of her planting those." Elliot smiled. He helped Olivia into the car and then shut the door. He looked at the house, before sighing.

"Baby?" Elliot asked as he climbed into the car.

"Yeah, Daddy?"

"How about I show you a place that I think you will love? It's two streets over." Elliot spoke, and Olivia squealed.

"Can I have a garden there?"

"I'll show you the garden your Mommy had. She'd want you to have it too."


For the first time in 8 years, Elliot went to the house that he still hadn't been able to sell. Fin and Nick came over once a year to clean it up, and they tried to make it sound like not a big deal, but they had to be in the place their friend never went back to.

"This is the house your Mommy and I lived in," Elliot spoke, as he picked up his daughter and placed her on his hip.

"Mommy lived here?" Olivia questioned, and Elliot nodded.

"I bought her this house. It was my wedding gift to her. I had saved up, and got it for cheap because it needed to be fixed up." Elliot spoke, as he walked up the path to the front door. He sat his daughter down, before finding the key on his keyring. He found it and unlocked the door, before telling his daughter to stay where she was. He wanted to open a few windows and start to air it out before letting her in.

After he did that, his daughter walked in and looked at how the house was left before she was born.

"Nothing has really changed, Livvie. Everything was where we left it. Of course, Uncle Fin and Uncle Nick cleaned out the fridge and washed the dishes. But almost everything else is here. Want to see the room we made you?" He asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Can I see where your room first, Daddy? I wanna be where Mommy was." She spoke, as tears welled in her eyes.

Olivia might not have known her mother, but that didn't mean that she didn't miss her. She absolutely wanted a mother, but not some random woman, she wanted her mother.

"Of course, princess. C'mon. Let's go."

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