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Elliot woke up to find his daughter bundled up under the blankets, her arms wrapped around Liv's pillow. He smiled softly, before shifting closer to her. He placed a gentle kiss to her messy brown hair, before slowly climbing out of bed. She didn't wake up, so it gave Elliot time to shower and shave before having to get her up and ready for school.

He finished getting ready and headed downstairs to make breakfast. Olivia loves oatmeal with berries and bananas in it, and then she had to have milk with her breakfast.

As he was mixing the oatmeal, Olivia came downstairs in her tiny pink robe. It amazed Elliot that he could love someone so small. He has felt the same way since the day that he became a father. He thought he would break his daughter when he held her, but once he held her for the first time, he was so overwhelmed with love for the small girl, even if his wife did die from complications from their daughter's birth.

"Breakfast is almost ready, sweetie." Elliot smiled, as he turned around to look at her.

"Daddy, do you go back to work today?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I do. I'm working with all of your aunts and uncles." He spoke, and she sighed as she climbed onto the barstool.

"Can't you just teach me school from here so we don't have to be apart anymore? I missed you when you were gone, Daddy." She sniffled, and Elliot hated to disappoint her. But in reality, they needed money. Elliot had to pay hospital bills off still, and even if he owned the house they are living in, he still had to pay utilities and start planning for Livvie's college.

"Baby, I'm going to be around more, I promise. I will pick you up from school every day and we can have dinner together every night. Alright?"

"I guess." She huffed, as he sat the bowl of oatmeal in front of her.

"Smile for me, Livvie. You know that I don't like when you are upset."

"But I'm angry at you, Daddy." She frowned, and Elliot swallowed hard. He walked around the counter and started to tickle his daughter. It wasn't long before she was laughing in his arms and smiling.

"Okay! Please stop! I love you, Daddy! I'm not angry anymore!"


Elliot took Olivia to school, but they were late. He quickly walked his daughter to her room, and as he was walking back, the principal was standing outside of his office.

"Mr. Stabler, may I speak to you real quick?" He questioned, and Elliot frowned and nodded.

"Yeah," Elliot replied.

They walked into his office and sat down. Elliot knew that this was about Olivia being late to school most days. But he had a hard time trying to figure out what to do with her hair, and her favorite tights were dirty so he had to wash them in the sink and then throw them in the dryer.

"So, do you know why I asked to speak with you?" Mr. Taylor asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Because Olivia is late almost every day." Elliot sighed.

"Yes. Now, would you like to explain why she is late every day since you have gotten back in town, compared to when her mother brought her?"

Mother? Elliot thought to himself. Olivia is dead, and he is pretty sure Alex just dropped Olivia off outside of the school because then she had to get to work.

"Well, uh, I hate to break this to you and all, but Alex Cabot is not her mother."

"She isn't? Is she just your girlfriend?"

"No, Alex is Olivia's aunt. My wife died from complications from giving birth to Olivia... Alex was a great friend with my wife, and took over taking care of her while I was deployed." Elliot frowned.

"I didn't know your wife had passed, I am awfully sorry." He breathed, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"Yeah, well you haven't been working here for the past 4 years. I'm sorry that she's been late, but sometimes I'm having a hard time getting her out of the house on time." Elliot breathed, and Mr. Taylor nodded.

"Okay. Well, I'll excuse her from all of the late marks that she is receiving. I do believe you should try and get things done the night before."

"I'll try that. Thanks, Mr. Taylor. I'm sorry."


Elliot arrived at the precinct for the first time in several years. Liv's office was now Fin's, but before you walk into the squad room, there was a very stunning picture of Liv. She was in her uniform and looking just as beautiful as everyone remembered her to be. Elliot stood and looked at it for a long moment, before swallowing hard and walking into the squad room.

"Hey, welcome back, Stabler." Amanda smiled, as she walked towards him. They wrapped their arms around each other, and Elliot sighed as she stepped back.

"I hate to say it, but it feels weird to be back."

"I bet. Fin is at a meeting, so you can kinda just relax." Amanda spoke, and Elliot nodded.

"Cool, I'm just gonna take a nap at my desk then." He smiled.

The squad went back to what they were doing, and Elliot sat at his desk. He took some pictures out of the plastic bag he had brought them in, and he smiled as he looked at the pictures of his wife. He knew he was going to be upset one day and see her picture on his desk and break down, but he was willing to risk that if it meant he would be able to see his wife every day he was at the precinct.

Elliot, of course, had grabbed some random pens from the kitchen junk drawer this morning, and when he went to write a note to remind himself to pick up Livvie from school, he realized that none of them worked. He opened up the different drawers in his desk, and when he got to one, he lifted up the false bottom where most of them kept their guns, and he saw an envelope. He pulled it out and opened it before realizing that this was Olivia's old desk. He opened the envelope and saw polaroids of him and her. He never knew that she had kept some of these in her desk, but he was thankful that she did. Because he got to watch as their relationship grow in front of his eyes.

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