Chapter 4

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I had no idea why I'd felt so compelled to do that.

    I'd resisted and pushed down any and all of those kinds of feelings over the past decade to focus on my work, but with her... It had all come flying back to the surface. My only thought had been to bring her as much pleasure as she had brought me.

I put my head under the stream of warm water, washing the shampoo out of my hair and then letting the water just run over my face. I didn't know whether standing here was helping clear my head or only making my thoughts swirl like the water currently circling the drain. Like with everything, I was trying to reason myself out of this, but I swiftly began to realize that reason didn't seem to factor into this at all.

(Y/N) defied my reason and logic.

Soon, I decided that standing here wasn't helping me, so I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, grabbing one of the fresh towels and securing it around my waist. I grabbed a second to dry my hair and upper body and opened the door to re-enter the bedroom to find some pyjamas and check on (Y/N).

I made sure I moved quietly when I saw the outline of her body lying still under the sheets in my bed. She was lying facing the bathroom door, one hand tucked under the pillow she was rested on and eyes closed in her peaceful slumber.

I didn't know whether I'd expected her to be awake still, but I was pleasantly surprised to see her like this, completely relaxed here. Towelling my hair dry, I headed towards the closet and found a t-shirt and bottoms to change into, but not without glancing back at the bed several times and just studying my guest as I watched her even breathing and where she shifted slightly, moving the sheets.

Part of me wanted to climb into the bed with her, but it wouldn't quite sit right with me, not having her consent on the matter, despite the fact I knew she must have been in far more compromising positions.

Instead, I finished drying myself off and threw the shirt over my head, pulled on my pants too and decided to get a few more bits completed for work before the sun came up.

Sliding the doors closed behind me with one last lingering gaze, I went back into the living space wondering how I was going to give her up when it did.


"I have no doubt in my mind Ramon is going to fight me on this," I told Jack over the phone as I put on my watch. The young room service servant held out the bill for me to sign. I scratched my signature onto the designated line. "He's a stubborn and childish CEO running a multi-million dollar company."

    "That's why I'm setting this dinner up for you," my advisor said to me, "So you can talk shop in a public setting where neither of you would have the guts to make fools of yourselves."

    "I wouldn't put it past us," I mumbled.

    "And would it kill you to bring a date? Ramon is just bringing his business partner so it may keep them distracted and in a better mood to have some female company at the table."

I felt a presence behind me, and turned, only to come face to face with Beauty incarnate dressed in one of the room's white silken robes. I stood there, staring, noticing (Y/N)'s freshly blow-dried hair after a shower. I hung up on Jack without so much as a 'goodbye.'

"Hey, there," she said, flopping her locks over her shoulder.

My God, she's stunned me into silence.

"You didn't have to end your call because of me. I'll be out of here shortly."

"Really, there's no hurry," I found my voice, and gestured to the table. "I took the liberty of ordering everything on the breakfast menu. I didn't know what you'd like..."

Rewrite the Stars (A Harry Wells x Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now