Chapter 5

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Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!

I waited until I heard the elevator ding out in the hall before I started to freak out all throughout the penthouse. Running at full speed, I jumped and threw myself onto the bed and screamed into the plush pillow.

"Seven thousand dollars?!"

I didn't think I'd had that much money in my bank account, ever. All that money was coming my way, and I got to spend time with a guy who's nice and totally not gross? When did I fall down this rabbit hole?

I had to call Laurie.

My phone was dead, so I had to use the hotel phone by the bed. I hastily dialled her number and had to sit through the never-ending rings until she finally picked up.

"Yeah?" she answered.

"Laurie, it's (Y/N)-"

"-You're lucky I answered! I don't pick up for unknown callers, but dude, I was so worried about you! Do you know what time of day it is? Where are you? I thought you were dead on the street!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I reassured her. "But guess what? You know the guy? The Jag? I am in his hotel room uptown! The penthouse, Laurie!"

"What!? You're kidding me!?"

"I know, it's insane, right? But it's true! He wants me to stay the whole week with him, and do you know how much he's going to give me? Guess! No, I'll tell you! Seven thousand dollars!" There was silence on the other end for a second, and I thought maybe the line had cut out. "Laurie? Laurie, are you still there?"

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to envision what we can buy with that kind of crazy money!"

"We? I think you'll find this is my money. You still owe me!" I shot back incredulously.

"Hey, I pointed him out for you, I deserve something for that!" she said, and I let out a laugh.

"You think, huh? Do you want to come here and work for it?" I asked her and then right away began to backtrack. "Actually, no, I don't have any interest in sharing..."

"That good? Yeah, no, I can't believe that. Tell me, what's wrong with him?"

"Nothing," I said, absentmindedly twirling a strand of my hair around my finger, "he's... so different."

"Different like 'experimental and kinky' different?"

"No!" I denied, "No, he's, you know, nice. Kind. We don't get to see that a lot."

Laurie didn't comment on that. "Has he given you the money yet?"

"No, not yet. End of the week," I told her.

"Well then, there you go, he's just going to use you and then-"

"He isn't like that," I insisted. "He gave me five-hundred for last night as a sort of down-payment and extra money to buy clothes. Now, I'm going to leave some at the front desk for you to come get and you're going to pay the water bill, not buy more expensive stuff, okay?"

"Okay," she drew out reluctantly. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the Plaza Hotel uptown, make sure you write that down."

"Yes, okay, mother," she said, and I heard the rustling of paper in the background, so I knew she was doing what I asked. "Keep me updated during the week, okay?"

"Sure," I said, "see you soon, Laurie."

"Have fun with your nice and ridiculously rich man!"

Rewrite the Stars (A Harry Wells x Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now