Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I never noticed how big the school campus was, until today, because my feet were killing me. After the Student Transfer meeting, they decided to show us around campus, and then talk about the history. It was boring; even some people looked like they were sleep walking. Towards the end, they gave us a brochure to show us the different events that will be going on on campus and the different clubs and sports. After what seemed like forever, we went back to our dorm room, which was on the fifth floor. In our building, there are three different wings, the A, B, and C.

‘’Ugh I’m exhausted! I just want to take a nap.’’ Ashley expressed.

We are in our small but spacious dorm room. All of our stuff were packed except the bed sheets, which were folded on the bed.

‘’you and me both.’’ I sat at the dark wooden computer desk in our room, observing the room.

There were two dark wood bed frames, both twin sized, with two dresses to go along with. Next to the door was our closet with was a good size, in the corner we had a black ottoman couch. Across from our beds were two big windows looking out across the lawn to the Central building and Gym. Overall, it was a good room.

‘’Come Ash let’s get everything together and in it’s place,’’ I looked at my galaxy s4 to read the time. ‘’we have about three hours until dinner.’’ I pulled my suitcase to first bed, closer to the door.

I began to unpack my clothes first. I looked over to see Ashley still laying on the bed. This girl! Looking around the room, I spot one of the pillows we brought, quietly and slowly I tiptoe to her a WACK!

‘’what the hell!’’ she jumped up. I died of laughter looking at her face. It was priceless; she had the face of confusion, rage and just plain stupidity. ‘’you’re a real ass you know.’’ Grabbing the nearest pillow, she ran after me, jumping over the suitcases and beds. I ran around the room for about a few minutes before we heard a knock. Stopping Ashley ran right into me, knocking us both to the floor.

‘’get your fat ass off me.’’ I tried pushing her off.

‘’but you like it though’’ she laughed. There was the knocking again. I rolled my eyes, finally pushing her off me to answer the door. Slowly I opened it to see a girl.

‘’hi!’’ she said cheeringly. She was tan with bright green eyes. She seemed pretty tall, seeing how I was 5’3’’, I guessed she was 5’8’. Her dyed red hair was long and in beach waves.

‘’hey.’’ I opened the door wider. ‘’can I help you with something?’’ I asked politely.

She smiled and reached her hand out. ‘’I’m Anya, I’m in the dorm next to ours and I heard laughing,’’ she cheeks turned pink a little. ‘’I wasn’t being noisy or anything, I’m a transfer student and my roommate is not here yet.’’

I gave her a bright smile and shook her hand. ‘’My name is Krystal and this,’’ pointing behind me to Ashley, who was taking her clothes out her suitcase. ‘’is Ashley. We’re transfers too.’’

Anya smiled back at us, waving at Ashley. ‘’come in, you could chill with us, and then go down to dinner with us too.’’ She nodded and came in, sitting on the floral ottoman. Ashley opened a bag of nacho Doritos and double stuffed Oreos, offering Anya some.

‘’so, Anya right?’’ Ashley asked. She nodded. ‘’what school are you transferring from?’’

Taking a few Oreos, she answered. ‘’ I came from Rockdale College.’’

‘’damn isn't that in Washington?’’ That was far, considering that we are upstate NY, and it was more than a five hour drive. She nodded again, giggling at our expressions.

‘’family is over there and I have a special someone here too. So I came to be closer.’’ Ashley smirked and dropped the shirt she was folding, to sit next to Anya.

‘’Really?’’ she grinned. ‘’ who is it?’’

Anya blushed. ‘’We’ve been friends since seventh grade and sophomore year he finally asked me to go out. His name is Richard.’’ Smiling as she reminisced on the past.

Ashley and I smiled at her, when she was telling her story and talking, she seemed so happy that we didn’t interrupt her. Ashley looked down at her phone.

‘’Damion just texted me’’

‘’what he say?’’ I asked.

‘’they saved us a table for dinner and waiting for us to come down.’’ I looked down at what I was wearing, deciding wither I should change out of the black tights and pullover I had on.

‘’are you ready to go?’’ I said. ‘’we could just finish unpacking and everything tomorrow.’’ Referring to the half-empty suitcases and half-full draws.

‘’yeah I’m ready, let me just get headphones.’’ She got up looking through her bag to find her headphones. It took her maybe five minutes to find them, before she realized that they were in her pocket the whole time.

‘’I guess I’ll just go into my room, see you guys later.’’ Anya said sadly, walking to her room. I laughed.

‘’come on Anya, you think we’re just going to let you go to your room by yourself.’’ I told her linking her arms in mine. She smiled brightly.

‘’really!?’’ she exclaimed.

Ashley rolled her eyes, ‘’of course, we could be mean but not that mean’’

She giggled and we went into the elevator. Walking to the front of the building to go to the café, I stopped short.

‘’what happen?’’ Anya asked. I smacked my forehead.

‘’ I forgot my phone and wallet.’’ Walking back to the building, I called back to them, ‘’you guys can just go without me, I’ll meet you there, remember to save me a seat.’’ They nodded and I power-walked to the elevator. Once it came I pressed ‘5’. The doors opened and I got my room key out, opening the door to find my wallet on the computer desk. I grabbed it, looking around, just in case I forgot anything else.

‘’okay, I think everything is fine here.’’ Speaking to myself I closed to door going back to the elevator. As the elevator does opened I walked out, putting my wallet in my little purse.

‘Oof!’ someone shouldered me, bring my whole left side back and almost knocking my bag off my shoulder.

‘’what the fuck!’’ I looked behind me, to see some guy. I couldn’t really see his face because he had a bucket hat on. ‘’ shit man, you can’t say sorry! Almost fucking breaking my shoulder off!’’  I shouted at the jerk. I just get so mad whenever people don’t have manners or the decency to watch what’s going on around them.

‘’maybe next time you could look up and watch where you’re going, instead of the ground.’’ He snapped back, walking away. His voice held anger.

‘’whatever asshole.’’ I rolled my eyes and continued walking. If I see this guy again, whoever he is, he’s going to hear my mouth again. 

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