Chapter Three: Hair and Chit-Chat

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     A really quick question: should I change my username?

     "G'morning Jaiden...." "Good morning [Y/N]..." Jaiden smiled as she looked behind her, seeing her [h/c] girlfriend lying down, her eyes still closed. Jaiden sighed and got up, off the couch, and went to her room to continue working on her video. [Y/N] soon followed, and sat in Jaiden's extra chair. She eventually ended up sitting in Jaiden's chair, right behind Jaiden, her arms wrapped tiredly around her waist. " long are you going to work?" [Y/N] asked, yawning afterwards. Jaiden smiled and grabbed her stylus before starting to draw. "Until noon. Then I'll take a break," Jaiden replied, earning a sad sigh from behind her.
     "What's wrong?" Jaiden asked. "Well, I know you said you have to work all day today, but....I was kinda hoping we would have more time than lunch to hang out," [Y/N] explained, her voice still a little hoarse from sleep. Jaiden sighed softly and turned her head slightly, to face [Y/N]. "I'm sorry. Maybe tonight we can just sit down and talk. You know. Like we used to do as little kids," Jaiden said. [Y/N] smiled and nodded, hugging Jaiden a bit tighter. Jaiden smiled and relaxed at [Y/N]'s warmth before continuing to work on the video.

     By the time it struck twelve, a.k.a, midnight, Jaiden had barely remembered she said she and [Y/N] would hang out tonight. [Y/N] had already gotten up and went to the living room a long time ago, so Jaiden decided to check the couch first. When she stepped into the living room, she saw [Y/N] sitting on the couch, like she guessed, watching TV and playing on her phone. Jaiden smiled and walked over before plopping down next to her girlfriend, stretching her arms and back. [Y/N] looked over at Jaiden and smiled warmly. "You're finally done?" [Y/N] asked. Jaiden nodded and took a deep breath before sighing.
     "So.....we can hang out now....right?" [Y/N] asked. Jaiden smiled and hugged her girlfriend gently. "Yeah. We can," Jaiden replied. [Y/N] smiled and hugged Jaiden back. "Yay....." [Y/N] said tiredly. Jaiden pulled back from the hug to look at [Y/N], who looked exhausted. Jaiden smiled and sighed. "Maybe we can hang out tomorrow [Y/N]," Jaiden finally said after a long moment of silence. "What? Why?" [Y/N] asked. "Because. You're tired, and I don't want you to stay up because of me," Jaiden said, sounding a little guilty. "Huh? No, no no no. That's not what it is. I'm used to staying up much later than this Jaiden. It's just because I haven't really gotten up today, unless I was getting something to eat," [Y/N] explained.
     "Are you sure?" Jaiden asked. [Y/N] nodded and put her phone down before pulling Jaiden in for another hug. "But....can we go to your room instead? The living room is a little too warm," [Y/N] said, earning a chuckle from Jaiden. "Sure. Just grab a few pillows. My bed isn't exactly comfortable," Jaiden said, getting up and heading to her room. [Y/N] followed, carrying three small pillows. When they were both situated on the bed, [Y/N] found herself playing with Jaiden's hair.
"Awww, so cute," [Y/N] suddenly blurted out of nowhere. Jaiden raised an eyebrow, confused. "Huh? What's cute? Ari?" Jaiden asked. "No, you of course," [Y/N] replied. Jaiden snickered before laughing, placing her hand on her girlfriend's face, and pushing her back slightly. "You're so cheesy [Y/N]," Jaiden said in between chuckles. [Y/N] smiled and carefully took Jaiden's hand on hers. "Yeah I know. But guess what?" [Y/N] said. "What?" Jaiden replied. "I get that from you too," [Y/N] told her, sounding serious, but her facial expression easily revealed she was messing with Jaiden, who laughed again. "Well, even if you did get it from me, it suits your personality perfectly," Jaiden said.
[Y/N] smiled and lied down, pulling one of the pillows to cover her face. Jaiden stared at her curiously, smirking. "What exactly are you doing?" Jaiden asked. "Protecting my eyes," [Y/N] mumbled. "What? Why?" Jaiden asked, completely dumbfounded. "Because your beauty is blinding," [Y/N] replied, which caused Jaiden to start laughing again. "My god [Y/N]," Jaiden finally said after calming down. "Yeah?" [Y/N] asked. "You're still the same as when we first met back in kindergarten," Jaiden said, wiping away a tear that pricked her eye. [Y/N] smiled and sat up, pulling Jaiden into a warm hug. She smiled and sighed into your shoulder, hugging [Y/N] back happily.
"Love you Jaiden....." [Y/N] murmured, the two girls practically cuddling now. Jaiden smiled and was absolutely sure she felt warmer on the inside. She sighed and inhaled the scent of the shampoo [Y/N] used in her hair. "I love you too [Y/N].....although....." Jaiden trailed off. [Y/N] pulled back and raised an eyebrow. "Although???" [Y/N] gestured for Jaiden to finish what she was going to say. "I do believe I love you more," Jaiden finally said. "What?? No! No way. I love you more," [Y/N] argued back.
For the next fifteen to twenty minutes, the two jokingly argued with each other that they loved each other more than the other loved them, which resulted in Jaiden winning, and [Y/N] pouting. [Y/N] huffed and crossed her arms. Jaiden giggled and pulled her girlfriend into her arms, where she sighed. "Fine...." [Y/N] pouted. Jaiden smiled and hugged a bit tighter. "Although, I could be wrong. You could love me more than I love you. But," Jaiden started,"you'll have to prove it to me," she finished. [Y/N] got a spark of determination that showed in her eyes. She hugged Jaiden back and smiled. "I will! Just watch me!" [Y/N] said confidently. Jaiden chuckled and grabbed her girlfriend's hand, intertwining fingers, and resting her forehead against [Y/N]'s.
     "I really am glad that you said yes to being my girlfriend [Y/N] don't know how happy you've made me," Jaiden mumbled after a while. [Y/N] smiled and pecked the bridge of Jaiden's nose before resting their foreheads against each other again. "And you don't know how happy you make me for just being here," [Y/N] replied back.

Love is My Drug  (Jaiden Animations x Female Reader) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now