Chapter Twelve: Baby Boy

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     Hey everyone! Sorry for updating these so late, but I have an excuse. I've been working on about two or three other books that I'm putting a lot of effort in, and I'm planning on finishing them before publishing them. So, I'll be changing the schedule for when a new chapter will be published for this book. It'll either be any time on Saturday, or early on Sunday. Just thought I should let you all know! Bye, and enjoy the chapter!

"Ari, please!" "SQUAWK!" [Y/N] giggled as Jaiden and Ari "squawked" back and forth, Jaiden still having her eyes closed with [Y/N] resting halfway asleep on her chest. They had both been asleep peacefully, but Ari decided he wanted to be acknowledged right then and there. So what did he do to accomplish that? He started squawking. You know, like what he always does. So, while [Y/N] and Jaiden were trying to sleep, they were having a hard time. Jaiden was trying to get Ari to calm down without having to open her eyes and get up, and [Y/N] was giggling while she lied on Jaiden's chest. Jaiden had her arm wrapped around the [h/c] girl's waist, so she'd have to remove it if she got up, which she knew [Y/N] wouldn't exactly enjoy. But when you've got a needy kid, you gotta put them first. So, she slowly got up, and rubbed her eyes with a yawn. She slid off the bed and walked over to Ari's cage, opening the little door. Ari flew out and landed all the way over on [Y/N], who was finally sitting up, still chuckling at Jaiden.
"Hey buddy," [Y/N] said as Ari hopped onto her shoulder. He squawked, and Jaiden sighed, sitting down next to [Y/N]. Ari then hopped onto her shoulder and wiped his face on her cheek, like usual. "You're such a weirdo," Jaiden said to Ari, who simply chirped back in response. [Y/N] and Jaiden both giggled, and [Y/N] wrapped her arm around the brunette's shoulders. "Y'know, your son is kinda needy for attention," [Y/N] said. "Pfft. Like you're not the same way?" Jaiden replied. "Oh be quiet. I don't squawk like he does," [Y/N] retorted. Jaiden rolled her eyes and smirked. "By the way. What do you mean by, 'my' son? He's your son too you know," Jaiden said. "Not when he's squawking he's not," [Y/N] joked. Jaiden playfully punched [Y/N] in the arm, earning a laugh. "Whatever. He's still our son. Human or not," Jaiden replied, giving Ari a kiss on the head.
     [Y/N] sighed and hugged Jaiden, holding her free hand gently. "Yeah, I suppose you're right," [Y/N] said, earning another eye roll from Jaiden. The [h/c] girl smiled and kissed the brunette's temple softly. "You're such a dork," Jaiden mumbled. "And you're cute," [Y/N] replied. Jaiden's cheeks went red, and she looked away. "A-Anyways, how about we spend the day with Ari?" The brunette asked, embarrassed. [Y/N] giggled and nodded. "Sure. That sounds like a good idea," the [h/c] girl said, kissing Jaiden's temple again. [Y/N] then held her hand out in front of Ari, who hopped onto her wrist, chirping. "So loud," [Y/N] said. "Yet so cute," she added.
Jaiden chuckled and quickly snapped a picture with her phone. "Family memory," Jaiden said as she shrugged, [Y/N] looking at her confused. The [h/c] girl then giggled and nodded, kissing Jaiden's temple, followed by her cheek. "So we're a family now, huh?" [Y/N] asked. Jaiden nodded sheepishly. "But we've only been dating for a month or so," the [h/c] girl said. "Well, I know, but Ari is like your kid, right?" Jaiden asked, earning a nod. "And you can...see a future" She asked, fiddling with her thumbs nervously. [Y/N] nodded again. "Th-Then that basically means we're like a small little family...r-right?" She asked. [Y/N] smiled warmly and hugged Jaiden, careful not to disturb Ari. "Yeah. We are," [Y/N] replied, finally allowing Jaiden to relax and sigh.
"Of course, it won't be official until we're married," [Y/N] teased, causing Jaiden's face to go red. "[Y/N]!!!" Jaiden shouted. The [h/c] girl laughed and wrapped her arm around Jaiden's waist. "Okay okay. Sorry," [Y/N] said. Ari chirped and flew up onto Jaiden's head, causing the brunette to smile again. "I guess we should get something to eat before we do anything," Jaiden said, scratching Ari's head gently. "Yeah. But I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to take Ari with us. I don't think he's gonna leave us alone any time soon," [Y/N] replied, pointing to Ari. Jaiden smiled and nodded, getting off the bed and helping [Y/N] up. They then went to the kitchen where Jaiden found a simple recipe for pancakes. They both agreed to eat that, and [Y/N] went to go sit down on the couch with Ari while Jaiden fixed the pancakes. After about fifteen minutes, Jaiden handed [Y/N] a plate, and gave Ari a small container of bird seed.
     While the three of them ate, they decided to give up on watching TV, as Ari wouldn't stop chirping at them to pay attention. Well...more like screaming. He was basically screaming at them to pay attention to him, which only worked for a short amount of time before they took him back to Jaiden's room, where he flew around. Jaiden eventually decided to keep him calm by giving him blackberries, even though she knew she'd regret it later. Y'know. When she had to clean up the friggin wall. She didn't care this time. As long as she could eat in peace, she didn't mind. She and [Y/N] then went back to the living room, and sat on the couch, eating the rest of their food before Jaiden put the dishes away. They then watched a bit more TV before heading back to the room. The second Jaiden stepped into the room, Ari flew straight at her, and landed directly in her hair. She yelled in surprise, and jolted backwards. She nearly fell over, but she luckily managed to balance herself by grabbing both sides of the door frame.
     [Y/N] laughed and helped Jaiden balance out entirely, patting her shoulder afterwards. "You good?" [Y/N] asked. Jaiden laughed with her and nodded. "Yeah, he just scared me," the brunette said, carefully taking Ari off of her head. She placed him on her bed, and closed the door. "Anyways, you know tomorrow I have to work on my video, right?" Jaiden asked as she sat at her desk. [Y/N] nodded, and sat next to Ari, who was hopping around on the sheets. "Yeah. So let's spend time doing something fun today," [Y/N] replied. "Like what?" Jaiden asked. "Like...watching movies together, drawing together, or...I don't really know. Something like that?" [Y/N] replied, not really having any ideas in mind. "Uh...the movie thing sounds good," Jaiden said. "Are we watching what we have here, or going to the movies?" Jaiden asked. "Let's just watch what you have here. I'm too lazy to go out to watch something," [Y/N] said, dramatically flopping backwards onto the bed, careful not to hit Ari. Jaiden laughed.
"Alright. Well, do you want me to bring the TV and everything in here?" Jaiden asked. "Yeah," [Y/N] said, noticing that there was no TV in the room. She then realized that it's probably because Jaiden usually watches movies and shows on her computer. She shrugged it off when Jaiden got up and went to the living room. The [h/c] girl jumped up, and caught up with Jaiden. "Do you need any help?" [Y/N] asked. "Uh...if you wanna take the movies and player into the room, that would help. I'll get the TV," Jaiden said. "Alright," [Y/N] said, grabbing the things she needed, and taking them to the room, where she put them down on Jaiden's desk. Jaiden came in a few seconds afterwards with the TV, trying her best not to drop it. "Uh, [Y/N]? A little help here!" Jaiden said. [Y/N] quickly ran over and grabbed the other end of the TV, and they carefully brought it over to the desk, placing it down slowly. (I don't know what kind of TV she has, so I'm going with flatscreen.)
Jaiden sighed loudly in relief. "Oh hallelujah, I didn't break anything," she said. [Y/N] giggled and hugged her from the side. "Yeah, but why'd you try to do that by yourself?" [Y/N] asked. "I didn't think it was gonna be that heavy," Jaiden replied. "You didn't think this huge flatscreen was gonna be heavy?" [Y/N] asked. Jaiden simply shrugged and walked over to her bed, where she plopped down, careful not to sit on Ari. "Anyways, we should get the TV plugged in," [Y/N] said after a moment. Jaiden nodded and got back up. They then grabbed the TV, together, and set it up, along with the DVD player. They eventually settled on a random action movie, and Jaiden made a bowl of popcorn. They then huddled up with each other under the comforter, grabbed the popcorn, and started the movie. About two minutes in, Jaiden turned the lights off and shut the door. "I figured it'd be easier to relax without trying to avoid a glare on the screen," she explained.
During the movie, Ari had hopped up on Jaiden's shoulder, and fell asleep. Jaiden smiled and leaned her head against [Y/N]'s shoulder, keeping her gaze forwards on the screen. "Movie marathon?" [Y/N] asked. Jaiden chuckled and nodded. "Move marathon."

Hey guys! I know this chapter wasn't exactly about Ari like the chapter title said, but I couldn't really think of anything to do other than celebrating his birthday, and I was too busy to write a whole thing about that...hence the reason why this chapter was uploaded really late. But my New Years Resolution is to upload on time, so expect the chapters on Saturdays or Sundays. Anyways, Happy New Year everyone! Hope you have a great start to 2019!! Here's to a bright future!

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