Chapter Twenty-Three: Messaging

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     After finally managing to look away from her old drawings to stop cringing so hard, Jaiden went back to check on her video, which had been fully uploaded to her channel. She sighed and sat down on her bed, eventually flipping over onto her stomach. She buried her face in her arms as [Y/N] came in, sitting down on the edge of the mattress and trying not to fall off. "You good?" The [h/c] girl asked. "Meh. I'm just really tired..." Jaiden replied. [Y/N] chuckled and nodded, checking the time on her phone before pocketing it. "Alright, much as I'd love to stay and help you with that, I should probably get home. I have to buy groceries and clean up." Jaiden flipped onto her side and whined. "Aw...but I wanted you to stay a bit longer..." [Y/N] smiled nervously and chuckled. "Well, I'll come back over when I'm done, but I still have to do it." Jaiden frowned, causing [Y/N] to pet her head and kiss her temple. "I promise I'll come back over when I'm done, okay?" She said. Jaiden nodded and let out a sigh. "Okay..." "I'll text you while I'm home, alright?" "Okay." With that, [Y/N] left her house and went to her own. The moment she stepped into the living room, she felt a piece of her heart go missing, as if no longer being around Jaiden had somehow taken something away from her. She shook it off and sighed, closing the door before sliding down against it slowly. Once she landed on the floor, she pulled her phone out from her back pocket and went to messages, immediately clicking on Jaiden's contact.

[Y/N]: Hey Jaiden.

It didn't take long at all for Jaiden to reply. Soon enough, they were having a full blown conversation. Over the phone, their personalities completely switched over. Well....not completely.

Jaiden: Hi [Y/N].

[Y/N]: I miss you.

Jaiden: But you left like...five minutes ago.

[Y/N]: Yeah, but I still miss you. I know you miss me too. ;)

Jaiden: Yeah, okay. But I'm not sure why. You were just here.

[Y/N]: Wow. You love me that much?

Jaiden: Oh shut it. If I'm that far in love with you, then you're that far in love with me.

[Y/N]: Haha, yeah. I guess you're right.

[Y/N]: But I agree with you. I'm not sure why people get this feeling when someone they love leaves. It feels like...something was just...missing when I left. I don't know.

Jaiden: Yeah. It's the same for me. I don't understand it either.

[Y/N]: Maybe you've created a Jaiden-shaped hole in my Jaiden-shaped heart~

Jaiden: Oh, quit being so cheesy.

[Y/N]: But you belong in jail!

Jaiden: ???

[Y/N]: Yeah!

Jaiden: Where'd that come from?

[Y/N]: You just belong in jail, okay?

Jaiden: Can I ask why?

[Y/N]: I don't know. Can you?

Jaiden: Oh for god's sake.

Jaiden: May I ask why I belong in jail?

[Y/N]: Because you stole my heart, and you won't give it back.

Jaiden: OH MY GOD. Really?! That was the cheesiest pickup line ever!

[Y/N]: The only thing I'll be picking up is you when I sweep you off of your feet.

Jaiden: Oh my god. [Y/N], stop.

[Y/N]: But you're so cuuuuuuuute!

Jaiden: I am not. You're just crazy.

[Y/N]: Nooooooooo, you're cute!

Jaiden: Oh good god. You got any other pickup lines? Or am I safe?

[Y/N]: You won't be safe when I get back to your house. I'm going to kill you with my love.

Jaiden: That was terrible.

[Y/N]: Aw...why'd you have to kill my flow?

Jaiden: Flow? What flow? You mean the constant pickup lines you've thrown at me that have no originality whatsoever?

[Y/N]: Lol, yeah! You killed my flow!

Jaiden: If that's what your flow is, I don't wanna be a part of it.

[Y/N]: But you love meeeeeee.

Jaiden: Not when you use those corny lines I don't.

[Y/N]: Yes you doooooo. Don't liiiieeee.

Jaiden: Oh my god. Whatever. What're you doing?

[Y/N]: Trying to sway you over to the dark side.

Jaiden: ...

[Y/N]: Lol, no. I'm just sitting on the floor texting you.

Jaiden: Why are you on the floor? Did your bed break or something?

[Y/N]: Nah. I'm just too lazy to get back up.

Jaiden: Oh god. I've been dating the weirdest girl ever.

[Y/N]: And you looooove her.

Jaiden: Yeah. I do. But she's still crazy!

[Y/N]: You knew what you were getting yourself into when you asked me out.

Jaiden: Yeah, but I didn't think you'd act like this. Like...this crazy. I mean, I always knew you were crazy, but not like this.

[Y/N]: Oof. So harsh.

Jaiden: ???

[Y/N]: You're so meeeeean.

Jaiden: You're so childish.

[Y/N]: Says the one who has plastic mini-dinosaurs sitting on her desk.

Jaiden: They make me smile!

[Y/N]: If plastic mini-dinosaurs make people smile, then you're my plastic mini-dinosaur.

Jaiden: Could you stop trying to be flirty for two minutes???

[Y/N]: I'm afraid not. You're just too beautiful for me to do that.

Jaiden: Whatever. I'm not beautiful, but okay. Anyway, I should probably get back to work. I'll text you later when I head out to eat dinner.

[Y/N]: Okayyyyy. I'll just be here blowing up your phone with my flirty texts.

Jaiden: Please don't.

Tbh, I really liked writing this chapter. It was nice for a change. This was kind of just a filler, but I also wanted y'all to know that when [Y/N] and Jaiden aren't at each other's house, they're texting each other constantly and [Y/N] acts really flirty and funny, which I personally like the idea of. Anyways, I'll see you next weekend!

Love is My Drug  (Jaiden Animations x Female Reader) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now