Chapter Twenty-Nine: Back Home

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(I left what happened during the month up to your imagination. ;P)

"Hey, [Y/N]? You almost done packing everything back up?" Jaiden asked, peering around the corner as she carried one of her boxes to the front door. "Yeah, I'll be there in just a second," [Y/N] replied. Jaiden smiled and nodded, walking to the door quickly. The month had flown by, and the two girls didn't seem to get into any arguments. The only arguments they got in were when they couldn't decide on what to watch at night. And those arguments were actually more playful than actual fighting. They ended up buried in pillows in blankets after long pillow fights while laughing, occasionally shouting teasing nicknames at each other. The only way these would usually end were when they grew tired, or when a neighbor would knock on their door to tell them to keep it down. They'd end up laughing it off every time and settling on whatever sounded good to both of them.
Currently, they were packing their belongings back up and getting ready to head back to Jaiden's house. [Y/N] had everything packed, but she was waiting for Jaiden to finish loading her own things up before asking for help. During one of the pillow fights, Jaiden had accidentally shoved [Y/N] off of the sofa, resulting in a sore back. It kinda hurt for her to bend down to pick the boxes up, so Jaiden was going to have to help her out at least a little bit. Just as she was about to peek out her door, the brunette walked in and sighed heavily. "Alright. My stuff's all loaded up. Need help?" Jaiden asked, crossing her arms as she eyed the small boxes in the corner. "Yeah. Could you help me pick these up? My back is still sore know," [Y/N] replied, smiling slightly. Jaiden smiled back and nodded. "My bad," she said as she walked over, picking up one of the boxes. "But to be fair," she started, standing up, "you did nearly tip the whole couch backwards." [Y/N] rolled her eyes and smirked back. "Only because you practically body-slammed me into it," she retorted. "I tripped over your bag though!" "The bag you threw down on the floor!" "I only threw it down because it hit me in the face when I tried to lie down!" "Who lies down face-first?!" "I do!!" Jaiden and [Y/N] stared at each other momentarily in silence before they both bursted out into laughter. "Why are we arguing again?" [Y/N] asked eventually, catching her breath. "Because you needed my help with the boxes," Jaiden replied, chuckling again. "Right. Well, anyway, I'm gonna go sit in the car before I break my back," [Y/N] said, stepping over and pecking Jaiden on the cheek, quickly slipping the car keys from the brunette's back pocket. Jaiden smirked and rolled her eyes, nodding anyway.
After all of the boxes had been loaded into Jaiden's car, she stepped in and sat in the driver's seat, shutting the door behind her. She looked over at [Y/N], who seemed to be asleep already. Jaiden smiled softly and started the engine before driving off, glancing back only once at the apartment. When they got back to the house, Jaiden quickly brought the boxes inside before she finally woke [Y/N] up. [Y/N], who was so enjoying her rest, hesitantly agreed to get out of the car. As soon as she hit Jaiden's mattress, she was right back to sleeping. Jaiden smiled again and sighed. "Guess the unpacking will have to wait for a bit," she mumbled, covering [Y/N] up with a thin blanket. As she opened the bedroom door back up to head to the living room, [Y/N] suddenly spoke up with a groan. "Jaiden, come back...." The brunette did as told and walked back over to the bed. "What is it?" she asked. [Y/N] suddenly grabbed the brunette's wrist and yanked her down, causing Jaiden to unintentionally pin he [h/c] girl down. "I'm cold." "How are you cold? My room is like...70°, and you have a blanket on top of you." "Don't ask questions. Just keep me warm, please..." Jaiden sighed and nodded. "I was going to unpack my things, but I guess I can save that for later..."

     After [Y/N] finished napping for well over four hours, Jaiden managed to get her up and moving by getting her to unpack what she could without hurting her back. [Y/N] didn't enjoy this, but she knew she'd have to do it one way or another. After only two of the boxes were unpacked, she had already grown tired again. Jaiden came in just as the [h/c] girl was about to fall asleep again and shook her a bit. "Hey, don't fall asleep on me here. I need to ask you something," she said. [Y/N] yawned and sat up, whining a bit from being pulled back from sleep. "What????" Jaiden giggled at her and shook her head. "Well, before I ask, let me just say that you need to catch up on your sleep." [Y/N] grunted in response. "Anyway, I was wondering if you're still wanting to move in together or not?" "Of course I still want to. But right now, I just wanna sleep," [Y/N] said, lying back down. Jaiden giggled. "Alright. Well, I'll let you do that. I'm gonna go finish unpacking my things, and tomorrow I'll take you to see the house I've been eyeing." [Y/N] nodded and turned over onto her side, sighing heavily. Jaiden smiled and kissed the [h/c] girl's head before heading back to her room to finishing unpacking, just as she said.

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