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of all people
you were the one
that sold me out
to him

you sold me out to them as well
it's not the first time
that this has happened
and i never said anything to you

it's as if i'm imagining
that you never did it
like my heart is screaming
that it never happened and that
you care about our relationship

but the reality is
you are not true to me
and you will always be honest
when it is for your benefit

you will always talk
when you have something to say
you will never think
how much it will affect
my trust in you

and you will wonder
why i accidentally let something slip
you won't know
why people know things
that you have only told me

because my dear friend,
i am losing self control
of holding in my secrets
just as you never tried to hold mine

my mind doesn't want you to come to the house this weekend, but my heart is screaming to try to get you over because i haven't seen you in so long.

so please, do us a favor
please just stop this
stop talking
so that i will not begin thinking

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