Get out the rain

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Dreary gray skies sets the mood for most in the summertime. Rain sprinkles the ground and most people, adults and children alike, take cover inside. Such morbid weather usually would lull some to sleep, but not the young girl slashing in a puddles. Children like getting messy but the peculiar thing was she was all alone. No one to watch her. No one to stop her from getting taken or hurt.

Tattered leggings covered her legs along with a shirt that fell just under her bottom. Her shoes were worn and are falling apart. Her wild hair is pulled back into a high ponytail that swishes around as she hoppes in puddlele after puddlele making a splash. She is a child of little care and full of happiness. All she wants to do is live.

The rain picks up and the skies become darker. She looks up at the sky and pure adoration comes across her face as the dark clouds release more and more rain on to the earth. Nature is so pretty;she thought. The rain is just so nice.

She would stay out here for hours on end never coming into the house of where her beloved mother sleeps. She would wait out here until her mother was feeling up to dealing with her existence. So she will wait, and wait, and wait.

"Get out the rain!" An aged woman bark's. They knew that such a small girl should not be in the streets of Gotham alone. "Go home curfew will come soon and you will be take away to a children's shelter! I know you wouldn't want that."  The woman finished.

The girl looks at the woman with soulfully happy eyes and a cheeky smile. "Alrighty miss;I'll head home! Have a good evening!" With that she skipped away splashing puddle after as she made her way home to her wonderful mother who was sleeping soundlessly.

When she made it to her dilapidated  building she steps inside and scurries up stairs where she was greeted with gray chipped peeling walls. She was so happy to be at home.

She crept over to the kitchen to see if here was any food to scavenge for. She was met with an empty fridge, empty cabinets, an a locked drawer that held the emergency food .

With a shrug of the shoulders she made her way to the couch of the living room and grabbed the old tattered blanket that had been given to her long ago by a stranger in the street who had caught her out by herself and wanted her to be warm. She curled up and let a peaceful slumber come over her.
Morning came around and a worn woman draged herself out of bed vexed. She had a daughter. Said daughter had to eat. If not today then tomorrow and if not then then at least the next day. She could send her to an orphanage, but who would pity her then? She had to keep her just in case he came back. The love of her life. She would keep said daughter until her beloved husband came back to her. With a longing sigh she picked herself up and truged to the door. Swinging it open she then stomped out the door into the living room being greeted by her daughter who was in a peaceful sleep on the pitiful couch.

"Get up!" She hollered. Amaranth! You have better things to do than sleep so get up!"

Amaranth was stripped from her sleep with the boom of her mother, Mara's, voice.

"Ok mommy what will we be doing today?" She asked enthusiastically.

"You will clean up the shop before we open. I have to run to the store. The shop better be spotless when I get back!" She sneered before she stalked out the door slamming it behind her.

Amaranth ziped around her little apartment above the shop getting ready for the task at hand. She took a quick shower then pulled on the clothes she had on yesterday. She then skipped over to the draw that held the spare keys so she could get to the cleaning supplies downstairs and also open up shop. Yes, she lived with her mother above a small flower shop that her mother owned. The shop was not big or special and it was a miracle that the place was still open. It is not as bright and happy has one would think of a flower shop. It is very plain in color but the flowers keep the place alive. Amaranth workes hard to keep the flowers flourishing ever year.

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