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Five months had passed since the firsts time the two children first met. Christmas was just around the corner and Amaranth was giddy. She had never had a normal Christmas. Never had a tree put up, or stockings, or left cookies out for Santa but, she always would pray that he would stop by. He had only supposedly done so once. Amaranth was seven years old when she got her first Christmas present that said it was from Santa Clause. The truth was that it was from an elderly neighbor in the building next door who left a present just for her. It was small but it was a teddy bear and a pin that said hope and happiness. This made Amaranth's belief stronger than ever. Sadly her mother got rid of it when she left it on the floor and she stepped on it.

Amaranth was currently sitting in the limo with Damain. She was hypnotized by the snow that fell to the ground.

"Snow is so pretty," She voices.

"It is indeed," Damian agrees.

The rest of the car ride is quit but, once the get home Alfred ushers then into the house.

Damian was instantly put in a mood when he saw all of his brothers in the main living area. Why must they be here now, how annoying. Don't they have anything better to do than be here! Damian thought.

Amaranth on the other had was ecstatic to see his brothers. She thought they were all quite the character and very nice...well to her at least.

Jason was on he couch with his feet kicked up and a beer in hand like always and Dick was in the kitchen eating at the island. Tim was sitting across from him on a tablet.

"Hello," Amaranth effuses with a trail of giggles following afterwards.

"Sup kid," Jason calls. He had started to become fond of her. She was not annoying to him like most children were.

"Hello Amaranth," Dick greets. He thought she was a good person to foil Damians off putting personality. Damian had been a lot more calm and it was proving to be worth while.

"Hey, what's up," Tim replies though, he doesn't look up form his tablet.

Amaranth walked into the kitchen with Damian following behind and she took a seat two away from Tim. Damian took the seat closest to her leaving one seat between him and Tim.

"Winter brake started for you all right," Dick asked.

"Yep! Two whole weeks of no school," she sprouted. Although she was happy about Christmas break it always proved to be lonely period.

"Are you excited for Christmas," Dick continued. He was curious to see how childish she really was and to test Damian.

"Yep! I can't wait for Santa to hopefully come," she gushes.

Damain instantly sent her a look of annoyance. "You are not that childish. You know good and well Santa Clause is not real.

"Yes he is-"

"No he's really-" Damian felt a punch in the back and was ready to raise hell.

Jason was the one who had come in and committed the offense, getting annoyed by Damains old soul. "Of course Santa is real. Damian only disagrees because, one year Santa gave him coal."

"You know what," Damian boomed, "I know what I am talking about and I have never gotten coal Todd! Sanat Clause is just some fantasy story that was a spin off from the legend of Siant Nick and now-" this time Damian was met with a punch in the arm from Tim and another punch in the back form Jason and an annoyed glare from Dick who wanted to smaked him in the head if he wasn't on the other side of the island.

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