Get out the rain Part II

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She was hungry. She was so hungry, she could not enjoy the rain. She was a ways from home because her mother had been drinking. When her mother picks up alcohol the cards dealt to Amaranth are never the best ones. She was coming up on day four of not eating and her body was starting to take a toll. The hunger pains were bad. Her body already malnourished was starting to eat itself.

She sat in the rain. One hand raised reaching for the light that peaked through the clouds as if she was reaching to the heavens. Central Park was downtown which is a long to walk from the little flower shop where Amaranth lives.

20 blocks away Wayne Enterprises is near by. Damian Wayne was resting in the limo that Pennyworth drove. They were passing Central Park one of the places Damian enjoyed to look at. It was very diverse in nature and was less crowded and more natural looking on days like these.

Eyes wide heart beating rapidly, he saw her. Amaranth, the girl form the gala, sitting in the rain with the same clothes he saw her in two nights before. She looked rejected, worn, and dead in a way. It was enough to make even him, the former assassin, sick to his stomach.

"Pennyworth! Stop." Damian commands.

The limo slows down and Damian rushed out the car. He looks at her. She was poor. He thought. He came to the conclusion that she could just be in a struggling situation and did not want to offend her like she was weak.

"Get out the rain!" He yells.

Her hand that was reaching up fell as though she had reached then light. Her head turnes to him. Champagne eyes shinny and alive, just tired. She stood up with shaky legs and satarted to wonder away. Not going anywhere in particular. She just had to move.

Dmaian thought she was going to just continue to walk around in the rain so, he made his way to her. She was trotting in a slow satgged manor that made him think that that at this point intervening was necessary.

She fell. He cought her. Her body was thin her hair we as soaking wet along with her clothes. She had been sitting in the rain for a while. She's emaciated and needs to get some nourishment quick or she might not live.

He picked her up with care and carried her back to the limo. The rain was coming down harder but the sun was making a more prominent appearance In the sky.

By the time they made it back to the Manor a rainbow had blessed Gotham.

Amaranth woke up in a comfy bed. She was so very comfy. Silk sheets and a big bouncy bed with pillows and and thick blankets. She has never, ever, ever slept in a bed like this. She sits up and then winces, gurgle gurgle, her stomach growls. Her body starts to ache. She ignores the common pains and takes a look at her surroundings. The room was lavished. It seems as though she was in the room of a king. There was a a large tv that was across form the bed and a few feet away from that was a large mirror with a vanity full of mens products such a cologne, deodorant, pomade, and a comb.
There were three windows a small sofa and several seating chairs around a coffee table. There is a desk area with a laptop and a printer. Papers were spread all around the desk with books open. There was a door not too far way from the vanity which she guessed was the bathroom. To the far right of the bed on the other wall there was a door the she assumed to be the exit.

She was so very comfy. The bed was so nice and it made her sleepy. She has always been content with her life of sleeping on the floor or on a dirty couch but this bed was a nice change of things.

The door opens. Mr.Pennyworth appears with a tray of food. Amaranth looks at the tray with wide eyes and shock. Is that for me? She thought. She was really hoping so. She didn't like to seem greedy or too needy so she rarely asked for anything especially food.

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