Meeting Hannah

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*i hope you guys are liking my story :)*

When Jay gave Natalie the taxis phone number she was glad to hear his voice. She called the taxis number and while they waited for the taxi they talked about the boys.

"So Sara what did you think about Siva?" Natalie asked.

"I was actually really happy to meet him and he was a lot taller than I imagined," Sara said.

"I hope me and him can be friends. He is like the guy friend I have always dreamed about," Natalie said.

"What about Tom?" Sara asked, "I really like him."

"He seems like the older brother that I will never get," Natalie said smiling.

"Max was really funny," Sara said laughing.

"OMG! His eyes were to die for!" said Natalie, "I really like Jay,"

"I can tell," Sara said, "I just really wish Nathan would have hugged me...." Sara said with a sigh.

"You would have fainted and probally would have went into a coma," Natalie said with a laugh.

"Haha probably," Sara said with a smile. They laughed and acted out what would probably have happened with Sara and Nathan. Then the taxi pulled up and Sara gave the driver the address to their cousins house.

"So are you ladies moving here or just visting?" asked the driver.

"Right now we are just visting. Hopefully we can find a nice place here,' Natalie replied, "Do you know any good places?"

"Well for restraunts there is a nice pasta place, theres an amazing pizza place, and theres a few more but we are already here."

When Natalie and Sara looked out the window they could not believe what they saw! The building they saw not just a house it was a palace! It was purple on the outside with alot of red rose bushes around the palace.

"You have got to be kidding us," said Sara.

"No, sorry this is the place," said the driver.

"Okay, thanks for the ride," said Natalie giving him a twenty-dollar bill.

"No problem and the next time you need a ride you know the number and ask for Johnny, thats me," said the driver with a smile. They grabbed their belongings and went up to the front door.

On the second knock a tall tan blondie opened the door.

"You must be Natalie and Sara," she said and then hugged them, "Well my name is Hannah and come on in."

They walked in and put their bags next to the door.

"Well its nice to meet you finally meet my cousins," she said with a smile.

"Sorry but we are really amazed by your palace," said Natalie.

"I think that's a compliment. Well dinner will be in an hour and Isabelle can take you up to your rooms," said Hannah, "Isabelle, can you please take my cousins up to their rooms and I will get dinner ready."

A few moments later a tall brunette came in the living room and took them up to their rooms.

"Okay so the blue room with butterflies is for Natalie and the purple room is Sara's," Isabelle said, "I will be up later to get to know you two." Isabelle went down the stairs and the girls went to their rooms and put their stuff up and admired the rooms. Natalie's room was a sky blue with a lot of butterflies and on the bed was a beautiful black and white quilt.

"OMG i love your bed," said Sara.

"I love it too. I just hope she didn't go thru a lot of trouble," said Natalie, "hows your room?"

"Well its purple and the rest is a surprise for you," said Sara with a laugh.

Natalie went a checked out Sara's room which was defiantly purple with a lot of stars.

Sara walked in and said "I actually like this."

She smiled and walked around her room again. They admired their rooms for another five minutes and then walked down to the living room.

"Hannah?" Natalie called.

"In the kitchen sweetie!" called Hannah. Sara and Natalie followed her voice into the kitchen which was really huge.

"You have such a lovely place," said Sara.

"Aw, thanks hun," Hannah said, "How do you like it Natalie?"

"Well its really big and wonderful. Thanks for letting us stay with you." said Natalie.

"No problem loves. I hardly ever have company because I am so busy with my designing."

"You design things?" asked Sara, "I thought you modeled."

"Haha i get that a lot, but no i design dresses and outfits." The oven beeped and Hannah said it was done. We all washed up and Isabelle came down and got ready to eat. Hannah cooked barbequed hamburges and baked french fries.

"Wow that was wonderful," said Natalie.

After they cleaned up they got ready for bed. Natalie texted Jay but he didn't reply. Natalie thought the reason why he didnt reply was because it was late but then she got a call that no one wanted to hear.     

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