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"Let me see your arm." Vic demanded as soon I walked into the school building.

At first I was taken off guard, but then I remembered his promise to check my arm before he left last night.

I rolled my eyes and held my arm out for him. He rolled up the sleeve of my hoodie and examined my arm.

When he didn't find any new marks, he rolled my sleeve back down and let go of my arm.

He had a grim smile, like he had achieved something big. Which really, he hadn't. I could go a day without self harming. But I decided I wouldn't rain on his parade.

Thoughts of yesterday's therapy session ran through my head. My next session would be on Thursday. I wasn't looking forward to it at all.

"So, Kellin. Do you have any plans today?" Vic asked. I hadn't even realized he was walking with me. I stopped at my locker and put my things away.

"Uh, no I don't think so." I mumbled. When I looked at Vic, he was smiling.

"Good. So, would you want to come to my place after school?" I should have expected this. I wanted badly to say no, but then he'd just get the wrong impression. I shrugged and nodded.

"Great! I bet Mike will be stoked. We'll probably be watching Harry Potter, if you don't mind. It's his favorite movie." He said excitedly.

I shrugged.

We got into the cafeteria, but I guess I wasn't watching where I was going.

I slammed into someone and fell down. My head smacked against the floor, and I instantly got really dizzy.

"Watch out, Faggot." Ronnie growled. I heard him walking away.

I closed my eyes.

My head hurt, a lot. I didn't want to try to stand, because I didn't think I could. I would probably fall down.

"Oh, fuck, Kellin." Vic was quick to kneel down at my side.

"What is your problem, you dick" Vic sounded beyond angry. I knew he was talking to Ronnie; I also knew that this wasn't going to end well.

"Excuse me?" I heard Ronnie bark.

Oh God, Vic. Stop, stop now.

"You ran into him and just walked away!" Vic yelled.

"Oh, I get it. You're standing up for your boyfriend!" Ronnie said.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"No, I'm standing up for my friend." Vic said. Ronnie scoffed.

"You do know he's gay, right?" He asked in a bored tone.

Well, there goes my almost-friendship with Vic.

Vic glanced down at me as if he wanted to know if it was true. I nodded and closed my eyes. I didn't want to see his eyes fill with disgust.

"Yeah, he's gay. So what?" Vic asked.

Wait, what? He didn't care? He didn't even seem slightly bothered.

"Whatever. I'm done with this." Ronnie said.

"So, you're walking away from a fight?" Vic asked.

"This wasn't a fight. I suggest you let it go before I turn you into a punching bag." Ronnie threatened.

I felt someone grab my hand and I opened my eyes to see Vic. He pulled me to my feet and kept an arm around me. I was dizzy and my head was pounding.

"You didn't have to do that." I told Vic.

"It was nothing. I dealt with bullying at my old school." He said quietly.

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