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As soon as I opened my eyes, I was met with the fiery gaze of Vic. He looked like a mix of hurt and anger in human form.

I blinked a few times. I already knew I was in a hospital. Two nights in a row, go me.

If I hadn't been stupid and left the door unlocked, I could be dead now. Why couldn't I just die? Maybe that was a sign. I didn't really believe in things like that, but I really didn't know.

"What the fuck, Kellin?" Vic sounded angry.

"I think you're the one with the thick skull. Do you not listen when people talk to you? Do you not remember what I said to you about suicide?" He seethed.

I had never seen Vic angry, and honestly, I didn't like it at all. He was scaring me.

"I heard. I just didn't listen. Why can't you understand that I wanted to die? Why couldn't you have just left me there to die? I would have been happy instead of suffering! You're selfish! You only care about what you want!" I was crying by now and I was trying to slap him. He grabbed my arms and held them still.

"Kellin, calm down. I am not selfish for saving your life, even if you may think so. Your life is worth living. Don't throw it away out of weakness." He pleaded.

I calmed down and yanked my hands out of his grip.

"Why were you even at my house again? Especially that late."

"I wanted to make sure you were okay because I had a hunch something bad happened...and I was right." He put his face in his hands.

"Vic," I said, getting his attention.

He looked up at me.

"Why? Why me? Why do you like me? And tell me the truth this time." I ordered. He sighed.

"Something about you...just something about you makes me want to protect you, no, not want, need. I need you alive Kellin. I can't let you die, not if I can stop it. Like, last night. I saw you dying on the bathroom floor. Did you really think I would just let you die?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"I made you a promise. I promised I would find your happy place, and I will." And with that, he got up and left.

I honestly don't know why he thought he could make me happy. But then again, maybe he could.


"After telling Dr. Gaskarth about last night, he suggested that I keep your pills with me and only give you the amount you need to take, so that's what's going to happen." My mom said, taking the pill bottles and leaving my room. I was just lying in my bed, as I usually did when I wasn't in school.

My mom didn't make me go to school today. And honestly, I probably would have ditched anyway. I didn't know if I could bare the torment. This was a small town, so news traveled fast. I didn't want to face everyone. I couldn't.

My mom was being a lot nicer, but I could see through her like a window. She was doing it because she knew we were the talk of the town right then. She didn't want a bad image of herself.

I heard my door creak open and glanced up to see Vic. By that point, I wasn't even surprised.

"What do you want?" I asked as he closed the door and turned back to me.

"I don't know. You weren't at school. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He said

"Well, I'm fine. My mom has me on lock down. I'm not even allowed to handle my medication." I said bitterly.

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