Chapter 42

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I wasn't bothered about the fall, not even the humiliation that I was sustaining as a circle of snickers and giggles applaused for me.

Neither was he.

From the floor, my elbows propped up to hold my weight as I watched him, the way his eyes regarded me, it made me want to crawl up in to a ball and export myself to a black hole.

His reticent gaze then shifted to the tile beside me, then he paused to look back at me, as if he grievously expected my visage to disappear. From behind me the faint words of concern from Lee and Riley drifted past me, But we were too fixated on each others deceitful fracas to reward a heed to anyone else.

His eyes closed for a brief second, I blinked breathing sharply through my parted lips and When he opened them, I was at lost. They say the eyes of a human is the window to their soul, to claw your way through and you find them, their real self veiling in a hope for someone to understand them, love them for who they are.

But his were walls of steel, they had nothing in them. Even after what happened, the shit he put me through, his words that wonded my heart open, the very heart that he helped me heal, I desperately struggled to find tenderness in them. To find My Alex in him. But he was gone, with not even a trace or residue left behind.

The sight of him like this, It didn't scared me. It terrified me.

Virtually my gaze dropped down from his blue eyes to his legs, as he took dominating step towards me.

And that's when my nerves began to panic, I swirled around and got up on my knees as I felt his presence beind my back as I elicited the simple process of getting up, which felt harder than said as I stumbled. Before I know what I was doing my legs took the action on its own as I ran.

Without stopping I weaved through the people, muttering meaningless apologise as I dashed through them.

I know he didn't followed me, it was like a portent. A self proclaimed instict, and a relief. For now.

Girls washroom was my choice of hide out, unlike common counters and sinks, the warm glow of light illuminted from right inside the opaque tiled walls, bathing the room with a hue of luxury.

My reflection was contrary to the atmosphere, it was pale and confused and angry. Sighing I removed my dry paint shrunken apron and washed my hands. Grabbing my P.E attire from the backpack I lazily changed into them in the adjoing room made for the sole purpose of changing.

Who ever built this place, had put on a grave thought in to it. I'd give them that.

Once I was done refreshing my face with sprinkles of cold water I simultaneously watched the way the black t shirt that hugged my body, the pants which I assure you are not lululemons, but it was enough for it to appear sophisticated and classy.

I braided my hair to side, and for once I realized how much I've started to look like these people.

Physically I was the same, but my eyes. It was like it has lost it's hope. There was this shameful warmth and light in my heart which expected him to feel or see some kind of apology in Alex's features. He knows me, heck he's the only one who knows what goes through my mind. Not because he's as much as good observer as me, but he was one I had poured my heart to the point it has left me bare, almost.

And he, crushed everything. In a second with his delusions. With his ego, with his wrath.

He destroyed every light and expectations I had gathered so delicately, and now when it's all gone. I am no longer afraid of any consequences I have to face because of him.

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