Chapter 45

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With a cramped angle, The nerves on my neck tightens as I inspect the length of a skyscraper in front of us.

The side walk was dotted with the chaos of people whose day has come to an end, work in pause. They hastily rushed or disconnectedly walked or drove back home. Some tired, few young with life and some plain focused.

But this sparsely effected the active nightlife of the city, the bright shades of lights from the bill board around us hued a soft glow, while the neon beams from a club fought it's dominance and so did many other luminous edifices.

But in the end the down town was just a representation of the term zeal and energy. And oddly I felt my feet buzz with them moderately.

"That's a really tall building" I looked at Edmund who had his hood up, the visible arc of his jawline was accentuated by the cities busy lights.

"It's called sky scraper for a reason" I could picture him rolling his eyes, I pouted once again scanning it's length.

"What's with the hideous look?" I ask still not moving an inch from our position. When he contested to give me an outlook of his idea of spending a beautiful night, I wasn't expecting to be drove around in his heart flipping Italian luxury transportation, that basically is a car to the heart of the city itself.

I was then dragged out of my comfy seat, mind you the car was more comfier than I have had the pleasure of installing my behind on any other complacent attribute so far. That even includes the matters in my present dorm.

"It's a disguise, I don't want paparazzi or anyone else for the matter, not at least near a hundred foot of my radius" muttering he pulled his hood lower, now veiling his whole face outright. With a height extending to six two and with a physique of an Olympian it was safe to say that he looked like death. Minus the scythe.

But I was a friendly person so I refused to point out that he was drawing more attention to himself with that look rather than his original face which I bet was famous among the Hollywood fanatics owing to the fact that he was a child actor and debutant assistant director for his father's upcoming movie.

How do I know so much you ask?

The name Riley ought to ring a bell.

"Okay" I drawled out "what now?"

The death version of Edmund looked at me, i would like to barely hint the obvious fact that he couldn't see me, heck I can swing myself into a cab and bid him a mental adieu, he would be talking to air still. Unaware.

"We need to get inside first" he shrugged as he started to walk. Few blink of my eyes later I practically jogged to match his pace.

"You have long legs" I commented gasping a bit.

I could feel a smirk radiating off him, and the scary part was I don't even need to have a peek at his facial movements.

A large man in black uniform and a mascot hat opened the door for us, stepping in I felt the clatter of street swiftly being sucked out from the large modernistic lobby as the sound proof door resumes back to it's stance.

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