Part Thirteen

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Those words had haunted me since he said it. I didn't actually know what they meant. It could have been a number of things. He could have meant anything.

I was always fearful when Taehyung didn't show up for class. It had been about a week or two and every night he would show up at our door. Some days he would be limping, some he would be wincing with every breath. Whatever was happening to him was becoming more frequent.

The other boys had begun to show actual affection to Taehyung. For once i saw him smile when he wasn't with just me.

The only one who seemed to not like him so much was Yoongi. Often Yoongi would leave to his room no dinner or anything when Taehyung showed up.

Tonight I planned to confront him.
"Come on in Taehyung." I heard Hoseok happily say from the door way. Taehyung walked in perfectly normal and sat next to me on the island. He kissed my cheek and high fived with Jimin. Jin spoke to him but I was focused on Yoongi.

His face before Taehyung was here was a beautiful gummy smile. Now he had a scowl and almost instantly left the room. I patted Taehyung's thigh twice.

We had formally came up with a secret code for if one of us has to leave a room in a tense situation. Two was everything is calm so I'll be back soon.

He smiled and continued to contently listen to Jimin's joke. I jumped off the island and walked out of the room.

"Yoongi Hyung?" I whispered opening the door. He sighed and stared at me from his bed. "What Jungkook?" His voice was harsh but his face read tired. "What's wrong?" I shut the door behind me and walked over sitting next to him.

He instantly pulled me into his lap. "You wouldn't understand Jungkook." He mumbled. I stared at him.

"You're in love with me." I said bluntly. He stared at me. "What? How did you?" I cut him off with a warm smile.

"Namjoon Hyung told me." I giggled. He growled and shook his head. "Imma kill a bitch." He mumbled. I giggled and slapped his chest. "No killing allowed." I scolded. "What did he say?"

"You should have heard Yoongi Hyung after you waited for Taehyung. He was so mad! He just continued to rant over and over again about how you deserved better. He was talking like you deserved someone better like him. I think he loves you Jungkook. At least he likes you enough to continue to talk about you throughout work."

I recited the entire message Namjoon had given me. Yoongi just say blankly staring at the wall. I sighed and leaned into him.

He kissed the top of my head and whined. "I wish it wasn't true Jungkook." He mumbled. My head shot up to look at him. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I have seen you with Taehyung. You obviously want him. I wish it wasn't true that I love you." He moved me off his lap and stood up pacing in front of me.

"I have loved you for a while. I didn't think it was anything at first so I kept my distance. Remember about three years ago we were roommates and I would hardly ever come home, I would drink and get mad and push you around?" He asked staring at me.

"You loved me back then Hyung?" My voice was small as I realized just how long this had been going on.

"There was one night. I was really drunk and all I remember is throwing you against the wall and screaming to never see you again. You were crying. I had gotten so mad. I ran out of the house part of me fearing hurting you again. I remember running out into the road. I remember the head lights. I remember ending up on the ground away from the road. You had almost got hit by that car because I was being a dumbass."

He was sitting next to me now his hands on his face so I couldn't see his tears. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held him close.

"That next morning I couldn't remember anything but I knew I did something to you. I had to find you and say I was sorry. I searched the house and you weren't there. I searched at the school at Jin's cafe and even at Namjoon and I's studio. Namjoon finally told me you were at the hospital. You don't understand the fear I felt in that moment. I finally arrived at the hospital yelled at like four nurses and sprinted to your room. I needed to see you safe."

He grabbed my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. He seemed to study my hand and his together while he spoke.

"When I walked in the room at that moment I knew I was in love with you. Not because you saved me from death. Not because you were so beautiful while hurt. No I knew I was in love with you because I'm that moment I was entirely ready to jump off a cliff for being the reason you were in so much pain." He half-chuckled.

No one spoke for a long time. "Why don't I remember any of this?" I asked. "You had a head injury from me and then you were in so much pain in your legs." Suddenly he grabbed at the bottom of my sweat pants. "Ever wonder where this came from?" He pointed to the long scar on my calf.

"I just thought it was something stupid from when I was a kid." I mumbled tracing the scar. "No, you got that saving my life." He sighed sitting back up straight.

"Hey Jungkook are you in there?" Hoseoks voice came from the other side of the door. "Uh yeah why?" I asked. I heard Hoseok chuckle lightly. "We need you down stairs." He called. "Be down in a minute." I mumbled. I stared at Yoongi.

"Just come down stairs and hang out." I mumbled grabbing his hand fully ready to pull him off the bed. He scoffed. "Jungkook I can't." He removed his hand from mine and ran it through his hair.

"Jungkook come on!" I heard Taehyung call from down the stairs. I sighed. "Just go Jungkook. I'll be fine." He mumbled pushing me towards the door. I slowly walked out of the door. I shut it behind me and sighed.

"Took you long enough." Taehyung joked once I had reached down stairs. He grabbed my hand and dragged me outside. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Look Fireworks!" He exclaimed pointing up at the sky. I smiled seeing the beautiful mixture of purple and red fireworks pop and disappear.

"Beautiful." I mumbled. He nodded. The door opened and I turned to see Yoongi holding out a phone. "I'm sorry Jungkook." He mumbled as he handed me the phone. I put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked. "Jungkook? This is Namjoon's father. I'm assuming Namjoon told you my investigation. Therefore I am willing to say that the investigation turned up nothing.

Taehyung is the murderer."

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