Part One

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The next few days remained the same for Jungkook. He would wake up, share breakfast with his hyungs and then go to school.

The last time he saw Taehyung in person was the very first day he met him but if we are being honest Jungkook hasn't stopped thinking about the boy. Often he will find himself just sitting for hours thinking of Taehyung.

Needless to say Jungkook was hooked.

Jungkook's point of view

Today wasn't as normal as I wanted. I awoke to find a dozen texts from Jin.

Worldwide Handsome- Jungkook we had to go into the studio for some work we sadly won't be there when you wake up.

Worldwide Handsome- Wake up Jungkook you're gonna be late!

Most of his texts were like that one and as I glanced at the time I noticed that he was correct. I was late.

The next moments passed by in a flurry. I had gotten my school uniform on grabbed my backpack and was half way down the street sprinting, in five minutes.

I arrived to the school just as the first bell rang. I pounded through the corridors and practically lunged into my chair just as the teacher called my name. "Here." I stated out of breath. The teacher looked up at me and rose a brow before rolling his eyes and marking me down. I huffed and leaned my head on the desk.

"Are you alright. You seem like you just ran a marathon." A deep voice said from next to me. My whole body froze. I was so anxious about getting to school on time I didn't even check if he was here.

I slowly looked up and my heart rate increased as I saw him sitting smiling next to me. I smiled and huffed again. "Yeah I feel like it." I mumbled reaching in my bag to get a pen and paper.

Class was quite boring and I randomly doodled around my paper. "You're a pretty good artist." The boy next to me commented. I smiled at the compliment. "Thank you but they are just doodles." I mumbled as I finished drawing fire coming from a Dragons mouth.

The bell rang and Taehyung shot out of his seat without even a goodbye. I sighed and started to stuff things back in my bag. I stopped suddenly when I noticed a piece of paper sticking out of my notebook. I pulled at it to see if it was connected and found it wasn't. I opened the neatly folded piece of paper.

Heya Jungkook!
Do you think we could meet at a coffee shop down town after school? I need to find out what I missed. Here is my number if you need to contact me.
-Kim Taehyung

I smiled slightly. I now had Kim Taehyung's number. As I threw everything into my bag I quickly dashed to the library where I had study hall for this hour. I threw my bag down quietly and pulled out my phone.

Four new messages.

Motionless Min- Yo Jungkook do you want to catch a movie tonight? My treat 😘

I chuckled and quickly replied to the boy. I was happy to be the only person he showed this side of him to.

Worldwide Handsome- Hey I was gonna tell you that we all have practice tomorrow so don't make plans!

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