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You got into a neat room with a long table and black leather seats. The big windows were covered with heavy red curtains.

Mr.Kim greeted you with a friendly smile and pointed to an empty place right beside Taehyung.

You didn't want to sit beside him all the time but you didn't complain because the fact that you were the CEO's son's fiancée was the only reason why you participated at this thing so it was probably the right place.

The meeting wasn't that intresting. The old and important looking men mainly talked about money, while you were sitting besides Taehyung, not even trying to act like you were interested in what they said.

Taehyung, on the other hand, seemed really interested and he followed the conversation attentively.

You glanced at him and you had to admit that he was really stunning, looking that serious.

If  only his personality could be as pretty as his face.

When the meeting ended, the older men got up and you and Taehyung waited for them to leave.

"I hope father can get rid of this problem." Taehyung said, trying to start a conversation.

You flinched "What problem ?"

Taehyung sighed "Did you even listen ?"

"No. Not at all." You answered sincerely.

Taehyung glanced at you arrogantly "You know that someday you'll be the wife of the owner of the company, right ?"

You huffed "Ugh, don't remind me."


It was the day after the meeting. You were waiting for the bus in full rain, only wearing a thin black hoodie that covered your face .

The water was streaming down your face and your hair was clutched onto it.

You were shivering and just wished to be in your warm bed.

When you looked up you saw the shape of a guy on the other side of the street.

Then you heard the wet sounds of steps approaching you over the street.

As you looked up to the guy a gasp left your mouth when you reconized Taehyung.

He wore a beige coat and had his hands burried in it's pockets, casually looking like a celebrity with his grayish hair that didn't seem to be wet although the rain was pouring from above.

What is this spoiled brat doing outside his warm luxurious house right now?

You looked down immediately, hoping he didn't reconize you.

To your surprise Taehyung opened a black umbrella, protecting you from the rain.

"We don't want you to get a cold." He said friendly.

You mumbled a small "Thank you."

Who would've thought he could be such a gentleman ?

You two stood there in a awkward silence, you with your head down your body pressed against Taehyungs.

It was like in a drama.

"By the way, what's your name ?" He asked politely.

Just then the bus came and saved you from answering.

You whispered a "Goodbye and thanks." And got into the bus.

Taehyung's POV

He watched the rain drops flowing down his expensive Coat.

The boy only recognized y/n when she got into the bus and brushed her hairs off her face.

Did she reconize him ? Probably.

But how could he not reconize her at the first sight ?

He just wanted to help that lonely girl with the way to thin jacket.

He would've never helped her if he had know it was y/n.

But why ? Actually she is cute and nice - besides her ignorant and annoying side - so why do I hate her so much ?

He sighed

I don't hate I ?

He didn't knowhow he felt about her.

Does he just hate her because she took his chance of chosing a wife by his own?

Would he like her if she wasn't his arranged marriage?

He didn't know.

All he knew was, that her lonely and weak appearance made him feel a need of protecting her, he never felt towards anyone before. Or the anger he felt when she said that she told her best friend about the federation. He never felt such things before.

His feelings had been blank but this girl made him feel things for the first time since a long time.

He just did not know if he liked that yet.

He sighed again and began to make his way to his mothers grave.


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