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                   Taehyungs POV

She said she fell for me?
Fell. For. Me ?!

That was all he could think of when he watched her walking away.

What have I done.

He eyed her from behind not exactly sure about what to do now. What should he do with the information she just gave him?

He also fell for her, and what? He was engaged with a new girl. What could he do about it?

Maybe he could change a lot but was afraid of the consequences. If he would stand up to his father for the first time.

He had to open up to her completely. Was he able to, after all?

Would she even accept him?

He stood there. Not moving an inch and watching the girl, he secretly cherished the most, leaving.

Until she stopped and realized that she still didn't had a clue where to go.

Taehyung sighed and tried hard not to smile at her cute behaviour.

He began to walk towards her and took her tiny wrist. The sudden contact made her flinch and she looked at him in disbelief.

"You still don't know where to go, do you ?" Taehyung said teasing "Don't worry princess I'll show you."

I'll have to open up to her. I have to find a way to make up for what I did first.

We'll see what happen.


                    Your POV


You couldn't believe what you just heard.

He had called you by the nickname he gave you.

You scoffed. This nickname was rather a petname but you didn't thought you would hear this word coming out of his mouth ever again. Well, not towards you.

He seemed to change his behaviour towards you again and again.

First he acted all arrogant and spoiled. Then he treated you cute and warmhearted and then again arrogant and cold. And now he suddenly seemed to act nice towards you again ?!

Kim Taehyung what do you fucking want ?!


You came to late to the meeting but you were glad you, at least, had found it.

When you reached your destination Taehyung pulled you into the room and excused you for being late while bowing to his father.

"I'm sorry for being this late father but Y/N didn't found the new room so I had to lead her."

You scoffed while looking at his hand that was still clutched around your wrist tightly.

After that he pulled you with him towards the only two seats that are left - the two seats beside Mina.

You groaned internly when Taehyung took the seat beside his fiancée and dragged you beside him.

"Well, now that our last absent members are here we'll start the meeting for today: The last time we talked about..." Mr. Kim started but your thoughts drifted away as always. It was hard for you to keep listening to his monotone voice.

Suddenly you heard Mina screaching happily and you looked at her startled since you didn't knew what they were talking about.

"Those are great news ! Don't you think so Y/N ?", Mina asked you smiling brightly.

An uneasy feeling made its way down your stomach but you couldn't admit that you didn't listen the whole time so you just nodded, "umm...sure."

Taehyung leaned towards you and whispered into your ear. Your breath hitched as you felt his brushing your skin, "The company is going to organize a ball for the members of the federation and the partners of the Kim-company."

You gulped. No, that weren't good news at all. You weren't a fan of such things and you didn't know how to behave not to mention what to wear.

You started to panick as you left the room, already thinking of how to avoid this when Taehyung placed his hand in your shoulder.

"I'll look forward to see you at the ball." The grey haired boy said smiling and then left with a way to excited Mina.

You suddenly didn't want to leave them alone at the ball.

You imagined a Cinderella-like scene, where Mina entered the ballroom with a gorgeous blue dress and Taehyung staring at her stunned and asking her to dance with him....

You shuddered. No, you didn't want this to happen.

"Did you also hear of this ball thingy ?" Rose asked you excited.

You nodded unimpressed "Yeah..."

"This is going to be so cool!" ,She raved, "We're going to wear beautiful dresses and-"

You sighed , "Easy for you to say. You look beautiful. I look like a burned potato."

Rose looked at you smiling, "That's not true and you know it."

Then she whispered while grinning, "We're going to make Taehyung  jealous as hell just believe me."


Be prepared for the drama-    😂

Hope you enjoyed😁

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