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The car was filled with an awkward silence. You kept staring at the road stubbornly and so did Taehyung. But you saw in the corner of your eye how he glanced at you multiple times as if he was thinking of something.

You wondered of what.

"So..." You tried to start a conversation "We're going to go to your house because the federation meets?"

He nodded quietly and the awkward silence was back.

You sighed. Then you saw a glimpse of something red on his knuckles which were clutched around the steering wheel but then he moved and the black wheel covered the mysterious color.

Was it blood?

You shivered.

What happened?

Then you remembered Taehyung saying he didn't go to college because he wanted to concentrate on the only thing his mother left him.

What is it?

You cleared your throat. "Uhm...Taehyung ?"

He hummed in response "Hm?"

"You said you wanted to concentrate on something your mother left you... do you perhaps want to tell me what it is ?"

Taehyung smiled at your question, like it made him happy you asked and for some reason it felt good to see him smile like that.

It was a genuine and warm boxy smile. You'd never saw him smiling like that before though. It made you feel things.

"My mom had a special talent

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"My mom had a special talent." He began.

Being honest, you expected something dangerous because of the blood on his knuckles.

"My mom was an artist by heart." The grayish haired boy said with a proud voice "I got the amazing talent from her."

Ah...okay I understand.

"...But I don't think I would ever be as good as she was. I try to improve but...I don't know, I don't have anything that inspires me. Mom used to say I'm a creative person but I begin to question this."

You nodded understanding " feel closer to her when you draw ?"

He nodded glancing your way and blessing you with his beautiful boxy grin.

He looks so happy. Just like a child...gosh my heart.

You couldn't help but to smile. Yes, at first Taehyung acted like a total jerk towards you but now that you get to know him closer...

Kim Taehyung is a fascinating personality with a fascinating smile and you truly want to learn more about him.


Taehyung's POV

When she returned his smile he felt like the most happiest person on earth.

Since when am I that addicted to her ?

He shrugged and looked back at the road turning on the radio.

He felt happy. Y/N seemed to make him warm up to her and he just had the chance to peck her lips!

Wow, I'm really crazy about that's like having a crush on someone ?

He felt happy so he sang along with the song that played.

And I know there's no making this right, this right
And I know there's no changing your mind, your mind
But we both know eachother to night,to night

If you say love is nothing more that just a waste of our time

Waste it on me, waste it on me

Baby why not wast it one me, waste it on me~

Y/N gave him a confused glare but started to giggle when he began to sing wrong on purpose.

He almost felt sad when they reached their destination but he knew his father wouldn't be happy when they came late so he got out of the car and opened the door for Y/N.

"I didn't know you were such a gentleman ." She said.

Taehyung wiggled his eyesbrows "I was born as a gentleman. What else do you expect."

She snorted "Yeah, of course Tae..."

Taehyung flinched, his heart beat increasing drastically "Did you just call me Tae ?"

Y/N shook her head in surprise"No. I-I didn't-"

He laughed at her "Yes you did!"

She blushed in embarrassment and mumbled"No I didn't."

"Cute-" Taehyung blurted out without thinking.

Now it was on her to smirk teasingly "Did you just call me cute ?"

But Taehyung just nodded proudly "I indeed did."

And walked away causing Y/N stumble behind him "W-Wait for me Kim Taehyung !"

He turned a round and sighed seemingly annoyed while he secretly found her behaviour too cute to handle.

"C'mon sloth, or we'll miss the meeting." He ruffled her hair out of reflex and gained an irritated look.

He chuckled and made his way into his house.

Spending my future with this girl. Seeing her waking up in my bed every morning, with my ring on her finger and our children sleeping in the room next to ours...

Doesn't sound this bad anymore. No, I'm pretty sure I could get used to it.

Awww Taehyungie

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