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You waited in front of your school.

School has been terrible the past weeks, mainly because of your ex best friend and the stories her bitch queen had told about you.

But you were ready to show Eunsoo one more time how little you cared about them.

You wanted to forget about all your troubles in school and enjoy the time with your boyfriend.

You couldn't supress a wide grin at this thought.

Kim Taehyung. My boyfriend.

"Why are you smiling?"

You jumped startled and turned around just to face the guy who occupied your thoughts 24/7.

You blushed, "Because I wanted to."

He frowned, "Because you wanted to? You really are something special you know."

Taehyung took your hand and lead you to his car, throwing every student who eyed you jealous a bright smile.

As you entered the car you noticed how excited he looked.

He literally bounced in his seat like an excited child, blessing the world with his beautiful boxy smile.

"I hope you'll like it." He stated excited.

You glanced at him suspiscous. "What are you talking about."

He smiled at you while starting the car engine.

"It's a surprise. Nothing special though but it really means a lot to me."


You reached what seemed to be your destination.

It was a terrain in a forest with a little enclosure in what goats lived together with their babies.

At the entrance you could buy food for the animals in old and rusty donators and there were a few kids petting the baby goats.

It really was something ordinary. Something like you'd used to visit when you were younger and easy to impress.

You glanced at Taehyung's side who stared at the animals outside of the car in trance and you had a slight feeling of what all of that could be.

"Tae, why are we here ?"

A sad smile appeared on his face and he took your small hand in his.

You loved that gesture of him, your hand fitted so perfectly in his, like it was meant to be hold by it and by no one other.

"Mom used to take me to this place when dad had problems at the company. She'd never wanted me to get involved in all this."

He let go of your hand and you two got out of the car.

You looked at him and felt your heart flutter in your chest.

It didn't happen everyday that he opened up to anyone just like this. He didn't talk about his mother that much.

It meant a lot to you, that he brought you to this place.

This time you were the one to take his hand.

"Let's buy some food then." You said smiling and dragged him with you.


You had a lot of fun together.
You felt so childish, petting and feeding the animals.

A big white goat bumped into a little boy and his packet with food
fell onto the floor.

He looked at the now dirty food like he was at the verge of crying and you decided to react quickly because you couldn't stand kids crying.

"Hey, don't cry. You want mine?" You said with an encouraging smile.

He looked at you with huge eyes and nodded, so you handed him the transparent packet.

When he didn't stop staring at you, you cocked your head to the side.

"What's wrong?"

He opened his mouth and closed it again like a fish.

At this moment Taehyung and the little boy's mother appeared.

His mother lifted him up and smiled at you. "What's wrong Jisung ?"

He still didn't take his eyes off of you and opened his mouth again to finally speak.

"M-marry me Noona."

You laughed. "I'm sorry but I think I'm a little too old for you."

The boy looked at his mother. "Mommy, when I'm grown up I want to marry Noona."

The woman laughed and caressed her son's head.

"You know Jisung, I think she's already gotten someone in her life."

You felt two hands on your waist and looked at Taehyung who was giving  the boy a pissed glare.

The little one looked at Taehyung and then shrugged. "Noona is going to like me better anyways."

His mother just laughed and went back to her husband.

You turned your face to Taehyung who was still looking at the boy.

"Taehyung. Are you jealous of a five years old ?"

Taehyung looked really serious as he answered. "His parents should tell him that he shouldn't look at what belongs to another man."

You stared at your boyfriend in disbelief.

Then you started laughing. "Oh lord Tae-"

You said through your laughter.


You were on your way back home and sighed, "So no arranged marriage for you anymore ?"

You looked at  Taehyung and waited for an answer.

He shook his head. "Nope. And I hope you aren't mad at me when I say there won't be a second proposal for you in the near future."

He said with a sheepish smile.

You nodded. "No I'm not. Of course not, hell Taehyung enjoy the freedom your father is finally giving you."

He took your hand and gently kissed your fingers while looking at you suddenly dead serious.

"Believe me princess, I will."


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