20 | Cecilia's Wolf

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We spent most of the day at the beach. I didn't think about Jackson at all. Well, not much anyway. My friends were great at distracting me and it was nice to see Mason, Xavier and Levi at least trying to get along for my sake. I was really proud of them. They were the only ones that fully understood why I was upset, but Aiden, Kayla, Taylor and Lisa still did a good job of helping me have fun for the day.

We didn't actually do a whole lot. We spent a lot of time swimming and a little sunbathing, but mostly we just talked and laughed. Everyone got along great and I couldn't have been happier about it.

I was amazed by how much Levi really did feel like an older brother to me. He was really fun to be around and he definitely treated me like a little sister. I'd always wanted a sibling. Jackson wasn't going to like me getting close to another vampire but after today, I really didn't care. He'd hung up on me and that was just rude.

And yes, I know that sounds ridiculous. I really do understand that any werewolf would flip if they saw their mate in a video like that. I was starting to understand how possessive and protective they were. I'd triggered both of those instincts by going somewhere he thought was dangerous and then dancing on the bar in provocative clothing. I knew that he had every right to be angry. What I didn't understand was why he hung up on me. He didn't even give us a chance to truly discuss anything. That's what really upset me. That he didn't care enough for us to have a proper conversation.

Although, I have no idea what I would have said. It's not like I could tell him that I went to get to know the vampires because I was half vampire and thought it would be a good idea to get to know that side of myself, but it would have been nice if he'd asked.

"Alright," Xavier said, interrupting my musings as the sun started to set. "Levi and I should probably get Cinderella home before her parents freak out."

It wasn't even close to midnight, but I think Xavier knew that I was tired and ready to go home. And he had told my parents that we would be home in time for dinner, which we were probably on the verge of missing. I smiled at him in thanks as my friends all gathered to hug me goodbye.

Xavier grinned back and gave me a little nod.

When I'd said my goodbyes, I followed Levi and Xavier back to Xavier's car and climbed into the front as Levi held the door open for me. "Are we leaving your car here?" I asked Levi as he climbed into the back.

"Nope," he replied. "I ran here from the club."

"You ran?" I replied. "And you were at the club this morning?"

Levi grinned as he sat forward so that his head was between the front seats and he could converse with us more easily. "Vampires can run very fast," he told me and I flashed back to last night when Xavier seemed to disappear from my room. "And Fangs is also like an apartment building for vampires that are within the coven."

I was surprised by his last statement. "So you actually live at the club?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah. There's a door behind the bar that leads upstairs. Anyone in the coven can live at the club if they want to."

I found that pretty cool. I didn't realize that Fangs was also the home for any vampires that were a part of the coven that owned it. I liked the idea of it. The leader of the coven obviously took care of their own.

My mom was waiting for us when we walked inside. She easily greeted Levi. "Hello," she told him, shaking his hand. "Are you a friend of Xavier's?"

Levi nodded. "My name is Levi, ma'am. I'm actually a friend of both Xavier and Cecilia."

My mom seemed happy with his answer. "That's wonderful. How about staying the night? I'm sure they'd love to have you."

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