Feel the burn - Part 3

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I passed the time by playing some games on my phone. When I started nearly no one was here, when the trainer got here there were a lot more people, I expected more but this was good, now I wasn't as stressed and I was more comfortable now, now was to find out how intense this trainer was.

"So from what I've been told is you have a bit of a bone problem and recently lost a lot of blood and hit your head and neck pretty badly."


There was a small silence between us as I was a bit nervous and he tought I was gonna say more.

"ok so lets start of lightly, see what your capable off and see what we can make of that, how does that sound?" He said in a tired voice, almost like he didn't want to come to work today, his hair was a bit dirt.

Seems like he didn't shower this morning, maybe cause he was rushing to work today but don't know what would hold him up for two hours, perhaps he lives far away? There could have been a lot of traffick but I think something is odd about him.

"That sounds good."

We open the door to the gym and music is being blasted by the speakers and light hits us in the face. He covered his eyes and grunted a bit, almost like he has a headache or something like that.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine... Just... Need some coffee, you on that treadmill over there and start by walking to warm up while I go get coffee."

"Sounds good to me"

I see a girl on one of the many treadmills lined up, she had red hair, I go on a treadmill close to hers but not right next to her, there is a single treadmill between us. She was running really fast and really focused, so focused that she didn't notice me getting on one of the treadmills and trying to find out how it works. She had a piercing on her lip and didn't seem to be wearing any makeup, but she had scratches and scars all over her, like she was mauled by a tiger or something.

"You ready?"

"huh what, oh yeah, sure, but if I want to stop then I will stop."

"Alright, but I want you to push yourself, not just take a few steps and say you've had enough" He said while holding his coffee and then taking a drink waiting for me to respond.

"I will push myself, trust me."

I won't push myself that far that I'll hurt myself that's for sure though but I don't mention it for some odd reason even while thinking about it.

I start running. Slightly looking at the speed the red haired girl is running at and try to match her, maybe even beat her time. I then noticed she has been running for 7 minutes. Crap I can't do that, I'll break my knee or something. I settled for trying to run until she stopped.

3 minutes went by and she was just starting to break a sweat, the trainer and I quickly shot questions and answers at each other, trying to talk but still keep our breath, I couldn't run anymore. I had to get off, I looked over at the girl a bit too much and was worried the trainer might have noticed. Well I am 17, and she looked 16-17, nothing wrong with me looking at a girl around my age, but still felt like he was judging me.

We went across the room to lift some weights and see how much I could take of that, he says he has to check up on someone in the other room, while he was gone I slowly maneuvered around him to get to the water to make it look like I didn't break that much of a sweat on the treadmill, but it was a test to see how much I could take but still I hid it. But I was exhausted. I back peddled to the water while monitoring his position and make sure he didn't see me slacking.

As I made the turn to the water machine, we crashed into each other. The gorgeous red haired girl. It looked dyed though but she still looked gorgeous. She looked like she was sending a message on her phone when we crashed into each other, it was a good thing she had a case around it otherwise her phone would have had a cracked screen. But the phone did have a cracked screen. She was exhausted and trying to catch her breath, I noticed so I started off by apologising.

"Oh I'm so sorry about that"

"It's ok, it was cracked anyway"

good, I didn't break her phone. Crisis averted so to say. Now what do I say.

"I'm Daniel."

"I'm Emily."

"Were you going to get some water?"

"Yes I was... I'm very thirsty"

Her heavy breathing and dripping sweat proved that very well, she looked more thirsty than I was so I let her go first by stepping away from the water machine.

"Thank you."

"No problem"

"There you are Daniel, we need to get back to work."

"Oh... ok, see ya Emily"

She waved shyly and looked a bit like a sad puppy. I almost didn't want to leave but I was nearly beind dragged away, maybe I'll come back later in the day.

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