Realization - Part 7

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When we woke up, I wasn't able to take a shower so I waited for her to shower and get dressed, when she was finished in the shower she walked in the room wearing only a towel, removing it without a care. My god she was beautiful, with the morning light coming from the window while she looked in her cabinet for clothes to wear. I sat on her bed staring at her getting dressed, I was sending messages to my friend Josh before she walked in and she was so beautiful she stopped me mid sentence and I even forgot what I was writing.

"Stare much wont you."

"Sorry, your just... So Beautiful..."


She put on her final piece of clothing and kissed me.

"Ok, lets go."

We spent the next couple of weeks doing the same couple of routines, work out together, go over to her dorm, make out, then make love, going on dates, or even taking some days for ourselves for homework from our schools. Sometimes even go to the mall together and meet each others friends. She even met my family and I met her aunt. Having the time of our lives, I started falling for her.

"Hey Emily?"


"Wanna sleep over at my place tonight?"

"Sure, happy to."

We didn't even fool around or anything, we just watched a movie and she fell asleep. The morning after the sun had the most beautiful light on her, making her radiate with light and made her look even more beautiful and I was having so much fun with her and we had so much in common. It was there that I realised I loved her, she started waking up.

"Morning baby"


There was a small silence again between us as I panicked worrying she didn't love me back, or what if she freaked out about it and left me, I didn't care about the downfalls and said it.

"I love you"

She looked up at me... Then smiled.

"I love you too"

It was right there and then that I realised every action in life could lead to a completely different life, if I would have killed myself I would never have met her, if my social anxiety didn't make me leave that party early, I might not have met her, if I didn't summon the courage to ask her out I would never have found love.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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