same day different life

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" He tells me to shut up and go away so I do but I tell him I'll be back again. Its English class now, the teacher talks about English stuff I don't really pay attention. Finally I seize the moment and force him to drift off. Now , now I say.  I am a pirate sailing a large ship on my own. When a giant ancient beast from the sea comes out and starts to destroy my ship.  I run towards it and attempt to punch it the face. It saw my attack coming and open his mouth and swallowed me whole. Stuck here I asked? Well then there's only one thing left to do." RING!!! the class bell goes "damn it I say I'm stuck. Math class had no opportunity he was too focused I couldn't get him to drift off.  but it was a completely different story and chemistry. The teacher is reviewing some policies for lab safety honestly I didn't care but he had to pay attention, but I put him to sleep. Back inside the belly of the beast where I left off on thing left to do is find some way of escaping here . Then I see it my lightsaber I was eaten when the first appeared. I grabbed it and immediately start hacking the beast inside out. I make my way out and I check my gold watch shoot I'm late! I am mediately press the big red button over the steering wheel of my ship and it transforms to a hovercraft."

memories of a dream heroWhere stories live. Discover now