yesterday's past

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Its the same thing over and over again. Like when I first had open my eyes as a child. I remember it because I repeat the moment with every new awakening. I like to close my eyes and remember it sometimes. My first years completely dark with no memory, then one morning I opened my eyes. I jumped out of bed and ran to the living room to watch cartoons. I wonder how I knew the channel and the program so well on my first day of reckoning. No matter I still have that blank feeling when I wake up every day.

My other half explains to me what its like when I'm asleep during the night and its that same darkness he describes is what I remember before awakening. "Born in darkness I suppose" the two of us are nothing but empty shells of who we really are. I'm glad there's no school today, weekends are the only days that I can manage to stay up during the day. "Please just take a midday nap or something I have to go back to my world it can't wait two days I need to see her"! My other half is desperate to see "HER" I can't say I know what he means probably that one woman in white that I can sometimes see when I close my eyes right before I fall asleep and he gets to go to his amazing world.

"Who is her"

"....  ....."


"she's the empress, she told me something just before you woke up in class last time. I have to find out what she meant"

"I'll see what I can do but I won't guaranty anything"

"very well"


I have never begged him for anything this is odd most odd. But the empress...empress...damn it! I can't remember her name what was it? I sit down trying to think but I can't focus on remembering, her last words still echo in my mind. "wake up" was she addressing me or was the outside world affecting mine. "preposterous, unacceptable, inconceivable!" How could such a thing be true. The empress must have answers, she has to, if she doesn't then I have not a clue who would.

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